Shiva Lingams are sacred deity stones made up of a mixture of iron meteorite, cryptocrystalline quartz, and basalt, they are named after one of the three primary Hindu deities, the destroyer God, Lord Shiva. Shiva Lingam stones are quite heavy for how they look, with a high iron content, displaying elliptical, oval, or egg shape. Genuine Shiva Lingam stones are only found in one sacred place in the world, the holy Narmada River of India, with its waters being incredibly healing for the etheric body. 
They range in colour and markings, from deep reds, tannish browns, slate greyish blues, and the rarest and most powerful being pure black all over, having a high basalt and meteoric content, and also the tantric lingams, being very dark with deep red spots. Each marking on every lingam means something different and one can scry to see different shapes like Ganesh, the OM, Shiva's dreadlocks, Shiva's tripundra, and the rarest being the brahmins cord, a thin line of clear quartz in the lingam. 
These stones are highly sacred, still being worshiped to this day in India and by Shaivite's around the world. For the Hindu people, these Narmada stones represent Shiva physically here on Earth and they spend many hours praying and performing puja to these stones with milk, ghee, honey, scented oils, powders and flowers, sometimes dressing the stones in rudraksha mala and clothes.
It is said that the Narmada River was formed with the help of a meteor giving the lingams a cosmic energy. The shape of the lingam represents the masculine (Shiva) and the markings represent the feminine (Shakti). These stones can activate sexual energy, giving anyone a boost of vitality and pranic energy, which charges the entire chakra system. Sleeping with a lingam is highly recommended for feeling restful upon waking. Being the embodiment of the divine feminine and masculine combined into a void, they are very healing for traumas associated with sexuality and for those with fertility issues. This stone is also beneficial for those who feel they are afraid of sexual intimacy, or that they are not good enough for their partner. 
Like Shiva, these stones destroy what is old and corrupt to clear the way for rebirth, allowing the user to be flooded with spirit. A bathing ritual for rebirth with a lingam stone is recommended for this. Those who wish to call upon this stone for transformation must do so with caution and readiness, as Shiva is a very powerful ally who is always ready to grant what one wishes for. Shiva Lingams amplify the electricity in the body, and stimulate the meridians, supporting general healing on all levels.