crystal meanings a-z

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Agate is a common name typically given to a banded variety of Quartz or Chalcedony.

Agate has a steady, slow vibrational frequency, making it easy to work with on a daily basis & for long periods of time. The stone creates a lasting resonance that allows the user to feel as though they have one foot in the physical plane & one foot in the spiritual plane. This phenomenon allows the user to be more sensitive to energy shifts within others & in physical locations. It is a great stone that anchors one into their psychic abilities without overwhelm or fear. Agate creates a protective layer around the user, which is helpful when exploring different realms or the unknown. It can help one deepen their spirituality by attracting paranormal experiences, close encounters with wild life & enhancing synchronicities (signs from the universe). This is a great crystal to keep you grounded in your body & mind. It is recommended to wear while out in nature or during paranormal investigation. This stone resonates with elementals, nature spirits & deities of all kinds. Keeping agate in your home creates a stable, controlled environment in which endless magic will ensue. 

Blue Lace Agate: A peaceful stone that encourages truth and releasing fear associated with communication. Soothes sore throats and can be helpful for those with speech difficulties. 

Fire Agate: A powerful vitality stone, helpful for those uncomfortable in their physical body. Enhances sexual energy, awakens life force energy, increases pleasure. 

Moss Agate: Grounding and helps one keep a peaceful disposition. A useful tool to help one complete a project. 


Amazonite is a type of feldspar. It is great ally in promoting emotional balance. A stone of truth, it assists in communicating ones thoughts and feelings while removing the anxiety. Amazonite is soothing to the nervous system and helps calm the brain in relation to over thinking or stimulation overload. This stone can help one find their truth by integrating all aspects of the self, realizing ones truest potential. Amazonite awakens unconditional love, opening the heart to hold compassion. One can find their truth through their heart and find their power by voicing said truth.
It is a powerful manifestation tool that assists in bringing ones deepest dreams into physical form. It is recommended to vocalize ones dreams, visions and desires aloud when holding an Amazonite crystal. It can also be used during sleep to stimulate symbolic dreams and dream recall. 

Amazonite is protective against EMFs and geopathic stress. Place Amazonite near computers, microwaves, modems, cellphones, etc. Creating a grid in each corner of the home in addition with Shungite will significantly lower EMFs. 



Amethyst is probably the most popular crystal, used by many for meditation, calming, spiritual advancement, healing & protection. It is a spiritual catalyst as it bridges the gaps between mind, body & spirit. The purple frequency of Amethyst calls us into deeper states of consciousness & self knowing. Amethyst works by unveiling what has been hidden & reminds us that everything in life operates on vibration. It provokes existential thoughts, helping one to come to conclusions, finding answers or unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Thus, it is a perfect stone for beginners & a trusted go-to for long time crystal lovers.

Amethyst emanates protective frequencies that create feelings of peace. The stone is associated with strengthening our intuition and psychic abilities. Amethyst is a great tool for introspection and helps us develop self trust. It opens the crown and third eye chakras. Negative thoughts and anxiety are often soothed by this magical crystal. If you feel like you need a mental, emotional or spiritual reset, wearing or holding an Amethyst for a day will be useful. 

The healing properties of amethyst are as abundant as the stone itself. Amethyst is a stone of self control, sobriety and precision of thought. It can be used to enhance dream work & can soothe migraines & headaches. A universal companion- you can feel great about using amethyst everyday



Ammonite were a type of mollusk similar to squids and octopuses. They are said to date back from 60-420 million years. They were named after the Egyptian ram horned God, Ammon, as the spiral shape of Ammonite is reminiscent of a ram’s horn. 
Ammonites are particularly intriguing because before they became fossils-crystals, they were once living creatures. This brings heavy influence to the life-force energy that Ammonite awakens in those who work with it. Their spiral shape symbolizes the ever present experiences of change and growth that not only the Earth goes through, but we too as people, both objectively and individually.

Ammonite are useful for those who feel a loss of direction in life. Whether one is unsure of which career path to go down, or is having a hard time coming to terms with why they’re here in the first place, Ammonite will guide the user towards the answers they seek. This crystal is all about ones roots and spiritual truth, provoking opportunities for the user to learn who they are and where they’ve been. Ammonite can be used in meditation or dream work to recall past life memories that may empower one by helping them reawaken knowledge or certain skills that have been held within the soul's memory.  It could even help identify traumatic events that have been locked away which could be a cause for current fears one struggles with, subconsciously hindering our growth

Ammonite is a stone that helps with the clearing of karma and issues that are passed down through the bloodline. It holds within it eons of cosmic energy that can eradicate negativity that has been poisoning ones life. It calls on the user to face their mentality, why they are the way they are, how they handle themselves emotionally and what behaviours they have been exhibited to in life, influencing how they process and perceive the world around them. Ammonite is grounding and spiritually stimulating at the same time. It is a symbol of the entire universe and the history of humanity on Earth, including our Ancestors. Working with it to connect to deceased loved ones, Gods and Goddesses is a great way to invoke the healing power Ammonite possesses.

Ammonite is also a symbol of success, abundance and prosperity, because it shows us just how resourceful the planet is and always will be or how we’ve each had to have thousands upon thousands of great-grandparents to even be in existence right now! There is a surplus for everyone, it is a frequency to be tapped into. There are stages of growth and phases of transformation, including a time to die, but the cycle never stops. Ammonite asks one to trust in the plan that the Divine has in store for them, that one can be the best version of themselves in any moment, that one can call in higher versions of themselves from other dimensions or other lifetimes to exist simultaneously with where one is, now.

Ammonite makes a great addition to Ancestral or Prosperity altars and rituals.



Apatite is a powerful stone for healers, psychics, shamans, teachers & students. It is a stone of personal mastery, enhancing the intellect, psychic gifts & emotional clarity of the user. It is a top contender in aiding focus as it helps to calm an overactive mind. Apatite is often used for manifestation, allowing one to stay motivated on the tasks at hand and granting the ability to clearly see their pursuits through. Physically, Apatite strengthens our bones, cartilage & teeth, by helping one to absorb calcium, aiding in the formation of new cells. Apatite can ease headaches, vertigo & can be used to improve eyesight. It encourages healthy eating as it suppresses the appetite & raises our metabolic rates. 

Blue Apatite: Blue Apatite is the most common variety of the stone. It is a must have for those who do channelling work. During meditation with Blue Apatite, it seems as though the skies are being parted just for the user, to gain access to the information or answers they seek. Furthermore, it strengthens the mental capabilities of the user by activating the crown, third eye & throat chakras. - This makes it useful for those whose careers involve public speaking or for psychics to deliver their insights clearly. Blue Apatite can be used in dream work to assist lucid dreaming or astral travel. It is a stone of deepening ones perception and can provoke prophecy. Although Blue Apatite stimulates the higher chakras, it is also very grounding. As mentioned above, it is a stone of personal mastery. Instead of finding oneself disconnected from reality due to spending most of their time in the etheric realms, one finds themselves perfectly aware of their body, their strength and the world around them. Blue Apatite allows grounding to be perfectly achievable while being fully engaged and connected to ones spiritual gifts & power. 

Green Apatite: Green Apatite strongly aids those with anxiety and nervous disorders. It acts as a refresher to the emotional body and can help one to communicate their feelings clearly without the sensation of being overwhelmed or scared. Green Apatite assists in maintaining emotional balance which is beneficial to teachers, keeping a cool head and to students, not to become frustrated. This stone is associated with nature spirits & the fae. Meditating with Green Apatite opens ones heart to the unconditional love & abundance that Mother Earth and all of her creatures & plants have to offer. It is useful for practitioners of herbalism or farmers to connect to the healing energy of the planet, reciprocating the frequency back into their work. Green Apatite can be used for healing in crystal grids, in terms of physical viruses and disease, whether it's for a person, animal or plant. Green Apatite revitalizes the immune system and can help one recover from illnesses.


Apophyllite is a member of the Zeolite family. 
Apophyllite is a very high vibrational stone that activates the crown chakra. It’s energy attracts angels and light beings in abundance. It will fill your home with beautiful white light and protect you from negative forces. Apophyllite is a gateway to higher dimensions, helping one on their path toward higher states of consciousness. This crystal alleviates stress and anxiety as it reminds one of their innate divinity & connection to the creator. Malicious or low vibe frequencies will be transcended into the light immediately by this stone. Keeping an Apophyllite Cluster in frequented rooms is recommended as it can maintain pleasant feelings & keep the energy clean. Apophyllite doesn’t need to be ‘cleansed’ and can be used to raise the vibrations of other crystals.

Green Apophyllite: Green Apophyllite is known to attract animals & nature spirits. It offers super sweet, high vibes that will inspire you to spend time in nature, dancing & singing through fields. - if you’re a hippie, this is the stone for you. This crystal is a real heart opener. It offers humanitarian perspectives & is a perfect stone to help you make new friends. ⁣Green Apophyllite removes anxiety or fear relating to social interactions or leaving comfort zones. Due to its affinity with nature, Green Apophyllite can help you maintain physical health. When working with this stone you can ensure that your aura + energetic field will stay clean & protected. Emotional strains & stress float away with the wind when Green Apophyllite is around...if you’re unable to hit up a spa... get some Green Apophyllite!


Aquamarine is an extremely beautiful and sought after crystal in the Beryl family. A stone of clear communication and courage, Aquamarine is very nurturing to the soul and can help one overcome grief or stress in regards to personal relationships. The beautiful blue-green frequency of Aquamarine cleanses the aura, balancing the chakra system. It has been used since Ancient times as a protective talisman against drowning, for safe travel and to provide ease for Mother and child during birth. It is also very healing to those who have been estranged from or have difficult relationships with their mothers. 

Aquamarine is very much associated with water and air, providing cooling and  cleansing sensations to those who work with it. Wearing Aquamarine as jewelry or carrying it in your pockets daily is recommended as it enhances mental clarity and stimulates ones inner knowing. It is helpful for sensitive individuals learning to harness their emotions, encouraging bravery. A great stone for singers and artists, Aquamarine inspires ones truest creative gifts. The high vibration of Aquamarine helps one remember their worth, their strength and the power that their unique voice holds. 
Aquamarine encourages one to let go of self conscious thought patterns or worrying about what people think. This stone deeply transforms how the user handles fear; transcending our conditioning above 3D trivialities. Fear is fuel to reach for bigger, better things. One does not have to be the same as anyone else. One does not need to explain oneself or ones differences. Our differences do not make us better or worse. Our individual uniqueness does not separate us from others, as we are all part of the whole - The Creator, The Universe, The Divine, God. It is safe to for us to walk our own path and to know that it is our right by God to do so. The said clarity and courage that Aquamarine provides can strengthen the users ability to feel fully supported in embracing ultimate freedom. 

Aquamarine has an air of opulence to it, just to hold one is a blessing. For this reason, plus its ability to embrace ones truth, it is an advanced manifestation that of Topaz. Using Aquamarine to meditate on ones deepest dreams will lead the user down a path of increased synchronicity, bringing one closer to making their wishes come true. 

The associated chakras are Throat, Crown and Third Eye. Aquamarine pairs well with most crystals including other beryls, tektites, citrine and topaz. Combining Aquamarine with Rose Quartz in elixirs or face washes can help one maintain skin health and a youthful appearance. Aquamarine can be used to sooth sore throats or inflammation.


                                                                                                                                  Aragonite stabilizes and grounds energy which proves to be beneficial in stress relief. It is a stone that creates a safe space for one to explore spiritual truths during meditation. Aragonite opens the mind, bringing about the flexibility & agility needed to understand difficult or 'out there' concepts. Thus, it is a powerful tool in expanding ones consciousness and belief system beyond the norm or what is to be considered as “truth”. Aragonite encourages one to find their own truth and free themselves from the fabrications of society or herd mentality.

Blue Aragonite:
Blue Aragonite is useful in encouraging one to embrace all of their feelings. It intensifies sensitivities, acting as a catalyst, guiding the user to face their wounds and removes the fear associated in doing so. After meditating with Blue Aragonite a few times, the user will notice that their emotional state has lifted. It is a powerful stone for empaths to clear their emotional and energetic bodies, allowing them to relate to others without absorbing sadness or being drained. Blue Aragonite can also be put to good use by those who aren’t in touch with their emotions, as it enhances emotional perception and intuitive feeling. It is deeply healing when used in body grids during a session and works harmoniously with reiki energy.

Purple Aragonite: Purple Aragonite acts as a powerful stimulant to the third eye and crown chakras, so much so that it can facilitate a spiritual awakening. Working closely with this stone can grant the user foresight and strengthen their clairvoyant abilities. Even the ability to telepathically communicate with animals can be strengthened while working with it. Purple Aragonite is recommended for those who work with Alchemy as it is a highly energetic and spiritual mineral, it intensifies the creative processes needed by any magician to succeed.

Star Clusters: Red Aragonite Star Clusters connect one with the heart of the Earth. It facilitates the connection to the planet’s ley lines while simultaneously clearing the meridians of the user. Aragonite Star Clusters remove fear and awaken the user to the delusive state of society or the matrix. Quick energy transfers and movement toward success in following ones life path can be achieved with this stone. Star Clusters grant the ability to disconnect from toxic fabrications and propagated information, in turn allowing one to remember the universal truth. Using this crystal ensures that one faces themselves and the world by taking charge of ones own life.



Aurichalcite has a very meditative energy, allowing one to be in harmony with thoughts and emotions whenever the stone is around. It creates an aura of safety where one can explore the workings of their inner world. Aurichalcite reminds one that they have everything they need within to make their dreams a reality. It is recommended to work with Aurichalcite while journaling or doing automatic writing, as it opens original thought flow and connection with the spirit world. This rare mineral allows for one to release constraints that were placed upon by others, encouraging one to carve their own path and do what feels best for them. Aurichalcite restores faith in oneself and capabilities. It encourages one to welcome a peaceful approach to life and people, as it motivates the user to become confident in living life their own way.



Aventurine is a type of quartz with microscopic Fuschite inclusions which creates a ‘glittery’ or Aventurescence effect.

Green Aventurine is a joyful stone well known for its ability to manifest wealth and prosperity in ones life. It emanates a ‘lucky’ frequency which increases favourable outcomes in games of chance. Green Aventurine can bring conditions into alignment in order to attract new opportunities for the user. It amplifies leadership qualities and calls on one to be motivated, confident and creative. This glittering green beauty can be used to attract true love, as it really highlights our greatest qualities, administering a sense of  humour and openness towards others.
Green Aventurine is cleansing to the heart and keeps us strong during the healing process of physical ailments. This stone has an affinity with Nature Spirits and can help to protect oneself and home from geopathic stress. It is a great ally to use alongside any naturopathic or homoeopathic regimens. It encourages vitality, physical strength and health.

Green Aventurine is a stone of excitement which is deeply healing to the inner child. It stimulates our adrenals and is a great stone to keep ones youth in the mature years of life. Creating grids to manifest wealth, health, new opportunities, adventure and fun is a powerful way to use Aventurine - the results will not disappoint!

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Barite or Baryte is a high vibrational tabular shaped crystal. It helps one enhance their psychic abilities by giving access to higher dimensions which can be reached through meditation or dream time. Barite can facilitate astral travel and helps one go on deep inner journeys. It can keep one in council with their inner self so as to remain in personal truth and apply the souls infinite wisdom.
Working with Barite can help those who are sensitive and focused on spiritual
ascension feel more at ease with the mundane, sometimes heavy world. This crystal can help one 'open their eyes' or 'wake up' to the reality of situations; by releasing mental blocks/programs and learning how to trust their senses. Barite will lift the veil between the spiritual and physical realms in where one will experience the magic of our multi-dimensional universe. It can help one connect to the spirit world, which makes it a powerful tool for mediumship or channeling.
Barite will help one to free themselves from mental, emotional and inherited genetic patterns. It helps us unlock the infinity that we are as precious beings of light having a human experience. Barite connects us to the divine white light frequency and fills our bodies and cells with light. It can facilitate the activation of dormant DNA and aligns the bodies meridians and chakra system.


Contrary to popular beliefs, Bismuth can also be naturally found in its classic step shaped form in Russia and Germany, but yes, its most beautiful specimens are lab grown. - Due to scarcity of larger complete forms.
Bismuth helps one see new solutions to problems that they've never seen before. It is a great stone for alchemizing a stressful situation that seems past the point of salvation into a more productive circumstance. Bismuth is an opportunist's stone. It lights the spiritual flames of creativity within and brings fresh views into ones spiritual practice if one feels as though they've hit a spiritual rut or burnout. This stone helps with artistic inspiration and healthy risk taking, encouraging the user to try new things. Change is not negative, we need change to grow upon the foundation thats already been laid. 
Use Bismuth if you need to move easily between the physical plane and spiritual realms. Bismuth facilitates changing complex thought patterns that have become obsolete, allowing a more constructive pattern to be imprinted.
Bismuth is useful for heartburn, digestive upset and whenever there is too much 'heat' in the body. It also reduces fevers. It is where pepto bismol digestive medicine got its name.


Calcite is a beautiful energy cleanser. It can help one attune themselves to higher frequencies in such a harmonious, gentle way as to not feel overwhelmed. Calcites are easy to be around, making them a friendly go to no matter the situation. Their energy is most welcomed in every room and make perfect meditation tools as their soft yet highly spiritual frequency can bring the user into deep trance-like states. 
Calcites can be very emotionally supportive, creating a bridge between mind and heart, in which the user will experience peace and balance. Meditating with Calcite can unlock deep seated memories, helping one find the why or cause of certain insecurities, behaviours or patterns. It can also help the user retain information, strengthening short term or long term memory. 
Calcite is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth.

Blue Calcite: A gentle soother of the nervous system, Blue Calcite proves to be among the best crystals for calming the emotions. It encourages the user to find peace in resting, helping one to find new opportunities for relaxation. Holding or meditating with Blue Calcite will create a safety-blanket like energy around the user. It is recommended to use it especially during times of high stress. Sleeping with Blue Calcite will ensure restful sleep during the difficult times in life. It can be used to help one to decode dream symbology and increase ones intuitive or psychic abilities..which could benefit the user in finding solutions to any current problems. 
Green Calcite: Green Calcite opens the joy centre of the user. The perfect ‘family room’ stone, it is a heart opener that invokes positivity and prosperity into ones life. This stone urges the user to do away with blandness and an uninterested attitude instantly. Green Calcite cleanses the aura of anyone it comes by, creating a sense of self acceptance and inner peace. It lifts negative thinking and broadens our perspective toward optimistic pursuits or more favourable possibilities. Green Calcite is amazing for anyone who just wants to feel good and not worry about the why, what, who, where & when. It is a stone that allows the user to soak in the ‘good vibes’ and enjoy the present moment. One may find mental, emotional and physical tranquillity with a kinship to mother nature when working with this stone. Restored faith, self kindness, self acceptance and an open heart chakra can be achieved Green Calcite. See the good in others and have a warm understanding that we are all at different stages and act from different states of consciousness.

Orange Calcite: Orange Calcite emanates a zesty frequency that awakens high energy levels within the user. It is associated with the sacral chakra and can support those who have experienced sexual abuse or trauma related to their bodies and sexuality. Orange Calcite invites one to find power in being creative and lifts the shame that is often projected onto those who displayed strong individualism and creative expression in childhood. It is often used to arouse inspiration in artists, keeping up confidence in regards to their work. If one is experiencing stagnancy within their lives or intimate relationships, Orange Calcite can act as a catalyst of excitement and raise the desire for enhanced physical pleasure. It is a wonderful stone for lifting the mood and alleviating the effects of prolonged depression. - The bright orange color alone can bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Honey Calcite: Honey Calcite is a stone of wholeness. It brings warmth deep into the user’s belly, allowing one to know their strength and believe in the power of being courageous. It is a stone of leadership, accountability and responsibility. Honey Calcite brings perseverance into any project or toward any goal. An influx of prosperity is the reward of hard work and Honey Calcite can definitely help one get there. It brings pleasant and loving energy into the home which induces feelings of security, beneficial to the user.

Pink Optical Calcite: Pink Optical Calcite instantly inspires a sense of elation in the heart. The sensation is similar to how a pet can fill our hearts with deep and joyful feelings of endless love. Working with these transparent crystals proves to be very therapeutic as they offer emotional support, reminding the user to treat themselves with kindness. Pink Optical Calcite can open ones heart to the eternal beauty that life offers and not to dwell on what you lack or mistakes you've made in the past. Pink Optical Calcite creates an atmosphere of tenderness, illuminating the possibilities of positive action that you can take at any moment. If you're having a mental or emotional setback, focusing on the things that you perceive make you inadequate, Pink Optical Calcite is a perfect crystal to help  push you through those barriers. This crystal assists in holding compassion for all beings, including yourself, eliminating self limiting beliefs, allowing you to put your heart forward and to be of service to the highest collective good. It is emotionally uplifting and can help clear debris that is stagnant in the auric field, increasing your personal healing process.
Red Calcite: Red Calcite is a stone of steady energy. The soft vibration of Calcite mixed with the color therapy associated to the root chakra makes it the perfect stone for those who are finding it hard to get motivated. It is not pushy, but it does gently inspire one to get moving and change their long standing habits. Red Calcite can help the user find a new, healthier mindset and different perspectives as it reawakens the physical senses. This stone would benefit those who suffer from body image insecurities, obesity and those who feel unsettled or uncomfortable in their body. It allows one to be immersed in the present moment, realizing how much there is to be grateful for and how much one can accomplish in their lifetime. Red Calcite can bring a new zest for life to those who have given up or feel hopeless.

Stellar Beam Calcite: Stellar Beam is a scalenohedral Calcite crystal formation with long, sharp terminations, usually amber to light yellow in colour. This stone got its name due to its intensity, and ease of reaching higher states, like children at play in the cosmic fields.
Stellar Beam is one of the most powerful stones for the crown chakra and higher mind. The stone aligns the chakras and stimulates the etheric body, making it possible to tap into higher realms of consciousness. Like all Calcite they are powerful for memory retention, going even further to facilitate the remembrance of past lives. They can be used to access the Akashic Records and gain access to the ancient teachings of Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Maya etc. It is said that some have been able to make contact with ETs while meditating with Stellar Beam. 


Carnelian is a popular variety of Red Agate.

Carnelian is an ancient stone of action, stability and creativity. It activates the lower chakras by boosting ones confidence and motivation. This warm, fiery stone can calm anger or aggression by encouraging one to express themselves openly and positively. Carnelian is the perfect stone for anyone who is in the arts. It activates and stimulates our deepest sexual desires and is a stone of fertility, performance and passion. Carnelian soothes our nerves, purifies our blood and lowers blood pressure. Fear, worry and anxiety burn in the flames of Carnelian, replaced by courage, strength and pride. This crystal reveals our true desires and can help one push forward in achieving their life's purpose. Carry, wear or meditate with Carnelian before or during any audition, job interview, performance or competition. 

Carnelian can be used to heal trauma in sexual abuse victims or those who have had traumatic experiences with reproductive illnesses, pregnancy and childbirth.



Cavansite has a sharp, high vibrational energy that aligns the throat and third eye chakras, allowing one to articulately communicate the insight they receive. It facilitates the reaching of higher wisdom when worked with extensively and helps one find their ultimate truth.
Cavansite is the perfect tool for channellers & psychics as it assists in accessing spiritual information. Used in meditation it can strengthen ones  intuition and can aid ones mediumship skills. It helps one gain confidence in their spiritual gifts which allows for the information to flow freely without the interference of self doubt. 
Cavansite is a powerful tool to use during difficult conversations or conflict, as it helps one stick to their guns and say how they feel or what they think without hostility. The clear flow of information that is opened by Cavansite makes it useful for writers, teachers and speakers as it permits communication delivered concisely. 




Celestite, or Celestine, is a sulfate mineral  that belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system, which means it forms  sharp, prismatic, and often tabular crystals. It has a vitreous luster and ranks at a 3-3.5  on the Mohs hardness scale. Celestite crystals are most commonly found clustered together, appearing in a delicate sky-blue color, though they can also be found in darker shades of blue and also in shades of white and even pale yellow.

Celestite forms primarily through the evaporation of water in sulfate-rich environments, often in sedimentary rocks, or in caverns where groundwater has evaporated. Some of the most common Celestite deposits are found in places like Madagascar, The USA  Poland, and Sicily.

Now, If you've ever visited a crystal shop, you've likely come across Celestite—as it's a popular choice and frequently used in energy healing and meditation practices. It’s easy to obtain, particularly from Madagascar, where Celestite is most abundant and reasonably priced. The localities which produce rarer colours or crystals with perfect clarity will be more expensive, of course.

its calming, peaceful energy and striking appearance make it a favorite among crystal collectors. It’s especially popular to place in healing spaces like bedrooms, meditation rooms, or places where the energy can become congested with tension or emotions. Whether it’s used as a display piece or intentionally for its metaphysical properties, Celestite will always captivate with its beauty and spiritual benefits.

Celestite is the stone of divine communication because of its ability to foster connection with higher realms, angelic beings, and spirit guides. It’s said to help promote peace, serenity, and calm, which makes it an excellent stone for soothing troubled minds or calming a fiery temper.

Celestite's energy works wonders in situations where there’s conflict or tension, especially in conversations. It has a soothing effect that alleviates emotional tension, gently opening the pathways to harmonious communication; nurturing peaceful, heart-centered dialogue, encouraging resolution through understanding rather than reactionary anger or frustration. This can help heal relationships, improve emotional balance, and even ease impulsive behaviors. It’s like a gentle reminder to take a step back, breathe, get in touch with what you’re really feeling, and then reproaching the situation with more willingness and clarity.

This crystal is also fantastic for those who are on a spiritual journey or who seek deeper connection with the divine. It's a great tool for meditation, astral travel, and dream work.  Celestite helps stimulate the subconscious, making it easier to access those deeper layers of the mind where lucid dreaming, vivid dreams, or prophetic dreams are more likely to occur while in its presence. It can even assist with dream recall and enhance the clarity of dreams, helping you decode important messages. This is where it may be helpful to start a dream journal, writing down your REM experiences as soon as you wake up.

Celestite's influence isn’t only limited to interpersonal effectiveness, communication & dream work, it  can also activate the ear chakras, improving clairaudience—which is the ability to spiritually hear messages. So It resonates with all aspects of life relating to  the higher chakras, including the crown, third eye & throat.

This is a stone that I personally haven’t worked with in years since I started my crystal journey, but it is a stone that I have recently come back to. The lessons I’ve learned from it have been very synchronistic and in alignment with my current personal goals so I plan to continue working with it by, keeping behind my head as I sleep, and using it to improve how I express my feelings to others & how I can soften my boundaries.

The heavenly bodies that resonate with Celestite are: the moon, all asteroids in our solar system including the moons of each planet, mercury & Venus.

The sun, moon & rising signs that will feel an affinity to Celestite are: Cancer, Gemini, Libra & Taurus.

The sun, moon & rising signs that will benefit from using Celestite are: Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn & Saggitarius.



Cerussite is a lead carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3.5. It belongs to the orthorhombic system, forming tabular or prismatic crystals and is very fragile. Because of its lead content, Cerussite crystals are quite dense in weight but when handling this crystal, one must remember that it is extremely delicate and can break if not properly taken care of while in motion. So by no circumstances should this crystal be submerged in water or used with water for metaphysical purposes…the most important reason being that lead is toxic and the second most important, as stated multiple times, the crystal is fragile!
Cerussite deposits can be found all over the planet but the most popular localities include: the Tsumeb mine in Namibia, the Ojuela mine in Mexico, and the Broken Hill mine in Australia.

A very mesmerizing property that Cerussite possesses is that its dispersion is greater and more intense than diamonds. What is dispersion? Also known as the gems, “fire”, the dispersion occurs when light hits the crystal and the spectrum or rainbow of color is seen within and all around the stone. 

Acquiring a Cerussite specimen would be a great achievement for any mineral collector across the globe, as they are more sparse on the market & have a higher price range. Of course, like most crystals, the price & rarity will differentiate by the locality and quality of the stone.

I discovered through personal research that the metaphysical and spiritual properties of Cerussite are quite untapped - probably because it’s not a very popular stone for crystal healers, but more popular among fine mineral collectors. Also, it’s not really a stone you can handle a lot, depending on the structure of the piece. To give an example; some Cerussite crystals form into a more solid or singular crystal, which would be easier to handle and less likely to be damaged.   Clustered specimens would require more care, however, it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be able to use them for metaphysical purposes. It would just be wiser to keep them at home and maybe have them around you or close by rather than in your pocket, under your pillow, in your bra or wherever your preferred stashing place is.

The most prominent visuals & feelings I received while working with Cerussite have been that it is a stone of the  “underdog”… which is quite a paradox when you think about it. How can this stone which is so prestigious and highly sought after resonate with those who, from an outside perspective, seem not to have much to offer or will gain little success?

This is a stone for the people who have had a hard time fitting into society or societal norms the entirety of their lives. This is the crystal for my fellow black sheep! Who else here is the black sheep of their family or work place? How much of a burden has that been for you to carry? It’s a lot right? It can be one of our biggest wounds and something that causes depression or isolation but it’s also been one of our biggest motivators. - And that’s what we’re going to tap into here.

Cerussite magnetizes people who are going through a lot mentally, emotionally & spiritually to the user. Not as a means for an added burden or feeling drained, but because the user may also be going through a hard time. Here, we will find that in our lives we are not alone and there are people we can always relate to no matter what their background is or what their personal beliefs are. With that, Cerussite may help one let go of judgement towards others and their experience.

Cerussite will help the user embrace their uniqueness. Another thing I’ve noticed while using this stone is that it’s been easier for me to attract inspirational & innovative people into my field. Whether they are public figures, musicians, actors or friends and peers. You will notice a surge of creative energy emanating from within you and all around you. For example, I’ve always been a David Bowie fan, but recently since working with Cerussite, David Bowie has been popping up a lot for me, whether its been his movies, album suggestions on Spotify, or seeing people wearing his merch. Ps, When I'm writing this its almost his birthday! Happy Birthday Bowie, born Jan well as my biggest inspiration, also Jan 8, Happy Birthday Elvis Presley. - MIND BLOWN, Two great examples of UNDERDOGS! Both coming from very difficult early life circumstances, were black sheep due to their interests and their non-conforming looks & fashion choices - Only to embrace their passion which drove them deep into self expression, becoming two of the most innovative, popular, successful & recognizable musicians & performers of our modern history. PLUS, Both men often being referred to as aliens or from outer space…again possessing that weird or strange vibe.

This is a stone about trusting ones instincts and going down the road less travelled. In the face of scrutiny & criticism due to one's innate magic & power. The user may be someone who receives a lot of pressure from family & peers throughout life due to naturally exuding a different, more influential energy than most people. Using Cerussite, will help the user use all of this to their advantage. To love themself for being “strange” among the masses. And to let their passion drive them!

Pairing this stone with a vision board of what you want for yourself could prove to be very potent. Put pictures of people who inspire you, things you want to achieve, images that remind you of how special you are, and take some time out of each day to look at it , while holding Cerussite or having a Cerussite crystal near. Imagine that you are or have all those things in that very moment.
Working with Cerussite can help one be open to new concepts or to be a pioneer of something new.

By embracing your differences and following your heart or souls path, without giving up or allowing fear to rule you, you will find success!

The planets that resonate with Cerussite are:
Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter & Chiron.

The sun, moon or rising signs that will feel an affinity to Cerussite are:
Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces & Virgo.

The Sun, Moon and Rising signs that will benefit from using Cerussite are:
Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries & Leo.



Chalcedony is a stone that is used for spiritual and emotional support. It is a gentle stone that can calm an anxious heart and induce peaceful relief. This soothing crystal transforms melancholy into joy over time. It is a good stone to have in a bedroom or kept on a bedside table. Chalcedony protects one from experiencing nightmares and dissipates negative thoughts. 
Chalcedony comes in a variety of colors, in which, there will be added properties. See also: Agate, Chrysoprase, Jasper and Onyx.
Blue Chalcedony: Like other blue stones, Blue Chalcedony emanates a peaceful energy that is calming to ones nervous system. This stone utilizes the energy magnification qualities of quartz, to extend outward its serene vibrations to soothe ones entire being, from the conscious mind all the way down to the primal self. Blue Chalcedony encourages self reflection, including self talk as a means of counselling one back to a balanced point of view. It proves to be useful working alongside spirit guides, therapy and health care of any kind. Blue Chalcedony provides a protective energy blanket around the user, ensuring their need to feel safe energetically and emotionally, as if they’re being held in a cocoon or mother’s womb.
Working with Blue Chalcedony can help alleviate feelings of panic, desperation, anxiety and bouts of deep seated anger.


Chrysocolla is a divine feminine stone that strongly emits a loving Goddess energy. Working with Chrysocolla awakens the ancient wisdom that is imprinted deep within the blueprint of every soul. It is a powerful tool for those who wish to strengthen their communicative skills or who have trouble expressing their emotions articulately. Chrysocolla is a stone of maturity, depth and wholeness. It encourages the user to explore new interests or to go for things they were once too insecure to follow. Thus, leading one into a world of untapped potential. One may find themselves surprised at their own skills and accomplishments, discovering they are able to do things they didn't know they could do before. 
Chrysocolla facilitates spiritual awakenings and nurtures one going through a 'dark night of the soul'. It helps one hold onto their truth, inspired to continue for the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that shedding old layers of the self is necessary for growth. Often formed with Malachite, Chrysocolla is a transformational stone that carries Phoenix medicine. One has everything they need within them to become their most empowered version and live guided by divinity.  
As Chrysocolla is a catalyst for deep self exploration and expression it makes for great use by artists and creatives of all kinds. It is also recommended that psychics, healers and women in leadership positions wear or work Chrysocolla often.


Chrysoprase is a green variety of Chalcedony.
Chrysoprase was prized by the Ancient Greeks, associated with the Goddess, Aphrodite. It was Alexander the Great's favourite gemstone and good luck charm. His armour was decorated with Chrysoprase stones as he believed they protected him and were the reason for his victories in battle. Unfortunately, his superstitions may have been true as the one time he didn't wear his Chrysoprase adorned armour, he was killed. For these reasons the stone has long been associated with gaining the courage needed to face difficult situations. 
Chrysoprase has a stabilizing effect on the emotions. It soothes the nerves and assists one in finding the coping skills needed to get through anxiety. It is a popular stone among women as it increases fertility and balances the hormones. It aids women who have suffered from genital infections and STIs, helping them find power in reclaiming their body. Chrysoprase reinforces self love and encourages the user to explore and express their unique beauty. It is a stone of compassion, womanhood and sisterhood. Women stand stronger when they lift each other up rather than bring each other down. It is extremely nurturing and connects the users heart to the heart of Mother Earth. 


Citrine is a very positive stone that acts as a catalyst to attract prosperous opportunities in ones life. It is popular to use this crystal to help one manifest grand aspirations as it is considered a stone of achievement. Citrine dissolves negative energy, replacing it with self assurance and a new sense of confidence. This is the crystal equivalent to espresso, revitalizing the user when they are low in energy. Promoting self worth, Citrine can help one commit to a specific direction. It activates the Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras, bringing an optimistic outlook towards the present and future. This crystal is great for those who haven’t spent enough time in the sun or are in need of some sunny inspiration. Motivational and empowering, working with Citrine assists those who often battle with depression. Citrine is a pick me up stone that aids digestion and arouses vitality within the physical body. Using this stone often can stimulate new ideas and bring one into alignment with their purpose. Citrine is a stone for visionaries as it encourages one to see infinite possibilities and know that their desires are perfectly within reach. Carrying or wearing Citrine ensures that the user feels powerful, secure and will likely attract larger than life, synchronistic, meant to be experiences.



Quartz is definitely everywhere, making up almost 80% of the earths crust, it is her nervous system. One of the most overlooked yet most powerful stones to work with -- the colourless variety, is the most accessible to us. Clear Quartz is the best at remembering, and in turn, helping one remember their core essence and how we are all truly connected to everything. Within the markings, growth patterns, windows and faces, each Quartz crystal has a story to tell and a lesson to share, be that just for the user or the whole of humanity.
Made up of silicon dioxide it has the property known as piezoelectricity, by which it can transform pressure into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa. This is why it is used in radios, watches, computers, etc. The Japanese call Clear Quartz "the perfect jewel" and viewed it as a symbol of infinite space, purity, perseverance, and patience.
Infinitely programmable, Quartz is there for whatever ails the user, all that is needed is to do is visualize ones desired outcome into the quartz and feel into it while gently squeezing the stone. A natural wand, the Quartz point makes for the most versatile energy healing tool there is. Quartz is known to amplify the energy of other stones and there are many ways to do this. One example is to hold a Quartz point in the dominant hand with another stone in the other hand, allowing the energy to be transmitted through the Quartz.  
Clear Quartz is a stone of light, bringing heightened spiritual awareness and slowly activating dormant DNA to help humanity ascend. It provides a clear corridor for higher vibrational frequencies to be channeled into our realm. It embodies the concept of clarity and the value of becoming a vessel for the light of the divine. It can be used to enhance the communications of guides and amplify psychic abilities. Clear Quartz stimulates the growth of fingernails and hair, and strengthens the nervous system. It is infinitely versatile and can be used for any type of healing.


Cleavelandite is a tabular variety of Albite that is commonly found with Mica, Tourmaline & Quartz. 
 Cleavelandite is a stone that encourages one to embrace change. It helps to keep a positive outlook on life during transitional periods. It has been used to help ease women of physical discomfort or pain, especially during PMS, Menopause or Postpartum. It is also useful in easing swelling & makes the healing process more bearable after an injury or surgery. Cleavelandite can help one overcome the difficult challenges they may face during transformational periods.

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A very high vibrational crystal, Danburite embodies the energy of reiki crystallized, and is a favourite of reiki masters for this reason. Danburite has an immediate affect on those who choose to work with it, stimulating the higher heart chakra. One may be overcome with overwhelming feelings of joy and a physical tickling sensation on the thymus. Danburite facilitates energetic upgrades, cleansing the etheric bodies. The quick energy transfers open the higher chakras, expanding consciousness, working all the way up to subtle body layers that are harder to reach. This allows one to connect with higher dimensional beings who are always ready to assist one on their journey. It brings a sensation of rising into the higher realms that one cannot forget after holding it.
Danburite is the perfect stone to open up the receiving of messages via the clairs and channeling. Although its vibrations are activating and exceptionally high, Danburite calms the mind and relieves those who suffer from insomnia. Sleeping with it can enhance the dream time with detailed and colorful visuals. It can also facilitate lucid dreams or astral travel where one may uncover many spiritual insights or relevant information.

Danburite is soothing to the emotional body. It connects the user to the realm of angels where one can receive fulfilling support and love. Danburite helps sensitive people release existential grief from feeling out of place in a dense world. It is calming and inspires optimistic thinking. 


Datolite is a very high vibrational and expansive stone. Being in the presence of Datolite forces one to be present, to be fulfilled with oneself & circumstances as they are in the now. The uplifting frequencies of this crystal reveals all the user has to be grateful for and all that one has to look forward to. It is an advanced manifestation stone that definitely takes time to adjust to as its medicine harmonizes with the higher realms and chakras. One must have a clear view of who they are, why they’re here and know deep in their heart where or what they are headed towards. In times of feeling hopeless, Datolite reminds one of the light they hold. Datolite helps one to envision their highest outcome/timeline - be as if it were now.. and send it into the future. Dissolving illusion and freeing the user from a fabricated reality are extreme lessons in the 3D world and Datolite can guide one through⁣ this.


Desert Rose is a type of Gypsum formed from a combination of water, wind, and sand. It is found in deserts around the world in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Mexico, Australia, Tunisia & Afghanistan.

Desert Rose is a very grounding stone that holds an Ancient, Earthy, wisdom. It is a great crystal to keep in peaceful environments like a bedroom, meditation room, healing space, or in the office of a therapeutic practitioner. Desert Rose calls one to be in alignment with their higher self, which means fully integrating our past, present and future. It can reveal fears one may keep locked in their subconscious, unveiling personal truths, habits or trauma that one may not be prepared to face. For this reason, Desert Rose is known to get mixed reactions; some people love it while others may feel uncomfortable by its appearance or by being near it.

It is a cleansing stone that can remove energetic debris, balance the chakras or even raise the vibration of other crystals, jewelry, plants and food. One may find themselves thinking more philosophically or receiving prophecies in its presence. Desert Rose is often used for past life recall, healing the past to clear the karmic lines for the future. It can be used as a link to tap into the Akashic Records, allowing one the access to all information and energy available within the entire existence of the Universe. It is a beneficial tool to help ‘rewire’ ones brain to be present and make clear headed decisions. 
Desert Rose is a stone of spiritual maturity which can relieve those who suffer from stress and anxiety due to control issues. It is a ‘live and let live’ stone which promotes the notion that everything and everyone must grow the way God intended. At the end of the day, there is no such thing as ‘mistakes’ or ‘bad’ choices, because every action made is a learning opportunity - and Desert Rose allows one to be aware of this truth and asks that it be applied to ones own life.


Dolomite is a stone that instantly brings a sense of calm to the user. Its frequency allows for one to return to centre or oneness. It provides the comfort many of us need after a hectic day, even more so for those who are healing from PTSD or abusive relationships. Keeping a piece of Dolomite in the house will allow for the energy to stay balanced and harmonious. This stone helps repair gaps or leaks in ones energetic field or aura. It grounds our light and power back into our vessel, returning our energetic field to flow around us at a healthy radius. For this reason it is a powerful detoxifier, as it rids what is foreign to our body and soul. Dolomite works as a readjustment on all levels; spiritually, energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically. This is a stone of integrated wisdom that is actually very grounding and peaceful. Dolomite's energy is very relieving, aiding those who struggle with short tempers or need to find better ways to handle their anger.


Dumortierite is an aluminum borate silicate mineral that can be found heavily included in Quartz masses or more rarely, included in fully formed low to high quality Quartz points. 
Dumortierite is deeply associated with the storm element and electricity, which prompted me to give it the fond nickname, Wizard's Stone. Meditating with Dumortierite can open etheric portals in which one can mentally, energetically or spiritually time travel. It grants the user the ability to see into higher dimensions, allowing access to necessary information that can expand ones consciousness or transform ones current self into a more empowered version. If one has spoken ill of their own future or that of another, the use of Dumortierite can guide the user to those projected words and thoughts to be cleaned up, corrected and reorganized, making for a better suited outcome. 
Dumortierite is a stone of patience and accumulated power and skills. One must realize that they are exactly where they need to be, at the same time, possessing the ability to make forward actions. The current circumstance may not be exactly what one has visualized, but one must work in harmony with the Divine to allow their path and dreams to naturally unfold at their own accord. As time is only a concept and does not work the way our 3D minds have been trained to think. Under the direction of Dumortierite, these realizations will assist in eliminating ones preconceived notions of failure. 
Dumortierite removes heaviness that is clouding or blanketing the aura. It facilitates mental, emotional and spiritual breakthroughs showing the user a clear way forward. One will come to see, like that of a Wizard, they too can work with all the tools and skills they've been given or already have to achieve a desired outcome. Dumortierite is an advanced stone that requires the maturity needed to understand ones own power and psychic ability.


Elestial Quartz is the name given to quartz crystals of a certain formation, with natural terminations all over the faces and body of a layered or etched crystal. Elestial Quartz is a silicon dioxide crystal with a hardness of 7 like all other quartz. Elestials often have enhydro water inclusions in them more often than any other type of quartz.
Elestial Quartz crystals are one of the most powerful means by which the energy patterns, information and love from the beings of higher planes can be translated and transferred to the user. They are like crystalline control centres that can link one to different dimensions, timelines and higher levels of consciousness. When one keeps an Elestial Quartz in their environment, it is like having a radio in the room, tuned to the higher self channel.
Each termination and face on the Elestial Quartz has a different batch of energetic information to share. One can spend years with this crystal and still discover more each time they work with it. This crystal harmonizes well with the frequency of Angels or Light Beings. Working with these stones in meditation can open one to receive downloads of pure white light which can fill every cell in the body and awaken dormant DNA, allowing one to remember how much power lies within our ancient coding, broadening perspective, expanding consciousness. 
Elestial Quartz assist in the recall of past lives and the understanding of the key lessons of those lives. Meditating or spending time with this crystal can arouse ones ability to travel consciously, or astrally through time and space, viewing probable timelines, future possibilities and past events. Elestial Quartz are great for those who are interested in finding the truth of our history, or for detectives that are missing key pieces to an open case. 



Emerald is in the family of Beryl. The word Emerald comes from the Greek word 'smaragdos', which simply means green stone. The earliest records of Emerald is in that of Egypt, dating back to 1300 B.C.. Usually, the finest gem quality Emerald is found in Colombia, but in rare instances it can also be found in Brazil, Africa and Russia.
To the Romans, Emerald was associated with Venus, and was believed to manage fear in warriors, improve mental capabilities and grant the gift of prophecy. Of all the gemstones, Emerald is said to be the most powerful heart chakra stone. It is a stone of emotional enhancement, particularly in love and compassion. Emerald is a stone of unconditional love and can help the user receive as well as give, deeply, from the heart. Some legends say that whispering your intent of deep love for a specific person into to an Emerald and gifting it to him/her, will undoubtedly seal their fate. Emerald is said to bring success in all types of partnerships and relationships. It is a stone of cooperation and can bring good fortune in business, legal matters, litigations, financial security, personal affairs, etc.  

Although Emerald has a calming and open heart affect on the emotions, it vigorously stimulates the psyche, provoking thought, reflection and philosophy. It can be a great talisman for artistic creativity. Working with Emerald can enhance mental focus and encourages one to keep dedicated to their life's work. As a stone of pure love, these supportive energies can have a reflective effect on the user, promoting a genuine sense of self worth. Emerald has a positive impact on young girls and women who suffer from body image issues or feel that they don't fit in. 
Emerald works well with other Beryls, such as Aquamarine, Heliodor, Goshenite, Morganite and Bixbite. It assists us in achieving true abundance, not just of material things, but of mental and spiritual riches also. It connects us to the frequency of divine love. Emerald helps one to display compassion without feeling vulnerable doing so and to surrender to your own reality, rather than what it "should" be. Emerald is great for heart conditions, chronic issues embedded in the skeletal system and alleviating vaccine/dna programs.


Epidote heightens energy levels in the user and helps build physical stamina. It stimulates the immune system and aids the healing process. Working with this crystal enhances personal power, inspiring one to find underlying causes to personal health issues, mental stigmas or patterns. It promotes focus on the task at hand or a goal one may have. Starting a new healthy routine or weight loss journey can be greatly benefited by the use of Epidote. Epidote is an impressive ally to those who are recovering from long endured illnesses, injuries or depression. It has a motivational vibration that promotes optimism and beliefs in ones strength or ability to get better. Its healing properties are attributed to its ability to raise the vibration of overly dense or congested areas in the physical and energetic bodies.
Epidote has an intense magnetic effect that actively draws in more of what one may already have. It could bless one with more love and positive experiences or increase negativity and pessimism. Either of these possibilities should not be looked at as "good" or "bad", it is simply an opportunity to make visible the patterns that need improvement to the point where it becomes unavoidable and the user must intently make a change.
When used to manifest a specific outcome, Epidote blasts the energy out into the Universe, greatly expanding the actuality of ones desired results..also their ability to work towards said goal. Epidote can increase abundance and prosperity in ones life. This does not dismiss the users responsibility to take action.
It is excellent for working on cancerous, tumours, cystitis, fibrosis, and similar manifestations.



Faden Quartz is a tabular quartz that can be identified with a 'white thread' that runs internally through the crystal. It is a high vibrational crystal that emits a gentle frequency, like a hug from a sweet cherub who wants nothing more but to comfort you. Their energy is very soft and supportive but transfers quickly in connection to the highest realms of divinity. Faden Quartz holds original intentions instilled by the user for long periods of time, therefore it does not need to be cleansed or recharged until one feels they've reached their objective. They make great all purpose healing tools; if one has multiple pieces, they can each be attuned to a different purpose, providing you with your own etheric 'first aid kit'. Like an energetic bandaid, Faden Quartz has the ability to repair any breaks or leaks within your aura. 
Faden Quartz can build a bridge to welcome in blessings and proves to be a wonderful devotional tool when used to contact ones preferred deities. It is said that using Faden Quartz with a partner can strengthen your connection and increase telepathic abilities wherein both parties may share the same dreams, thoughts or psychic visions whether they are together or apart.


Fenster Quartz is a quartz of special formation wherein it contains a skeletal structure with many windows that can contain the Earth's clay or enhydros. It is an efficient gemstone for transmitting healing light and for high vibrational multi dimensional energy work and channeling. Some have even channeled or met on the spiritual planes, Extraterrestrial Beings, while meditating with this crystal. The internal windows of this stone can open one up to other worlds, stimulating clairvoyance, and claircognizance. 
Fenster Quartz throws light on the workings of your soul and its history here in the cosmos. Ask to be taken to the dimension where your soul knowledge is stored to reveal the purpose you had when first incarnated. Wait quietly for the knowledge to make itself known ask how it is to be used in your present incarnation. Check whether you have any soul impairments overlaid on your original purpose, if so, ask them to dissolve. 
Fenster Quartz helps in healing dysfunctional patterns and letting go of patterns that the user has outgrown or gained throughout their life. Working with this stone will help one become aware of past life or childhood causes of addictions, assisting in their removal. Using Fenster Quartz in grids for Earth healing can assist in the direct transfer of higher knowledge, wisdom and technology from high vibe Light Beings. Thus, creating a net of light wherein anyone can anchor in their consciousness to continuously receive transmissions and codes that raise not only ones own vibration, but the vibration of the Earth while simultaneously opening the heart centre. 
Fenster Quartz  awakens cellular memory and assists the body to find its optimum function. It is helpful for muscular twitching, tics, and eye infections


Fluorite is a powerful detoxifier of the mind, body and spirit. It absorbs and balances negative energy, which stabilizes the aura. It is a great stone for clearing the mental body by promoting clarity and soothing rapid thoughts. Fluorite’s cleansing energy can help one move past unhealthy thought patterns, making room for new, positive ways of thinking.
This is a great stone for concentration and focus. Perfect for studying or working on a project/goal. It can improve our sight and coordination, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Fluorite boosts the immune system and protects us from catching illnesses. It is also very protective against EMFs and is great to hold or wear when around electronics or heavy machinery. If one is feeling unsure and is looking for psychic insight into a specific situation, meditating with Fluorite can help one find the answers they seek.

Blue Fluorite: 
Blue Fluorite activates the throat and third eye chakras in a unique way. It helps one to communicate fluidly when speaking of philosophical things, and can help clear the astral throat in order to vocalize clearly what comes in visually, through the third eye. It assists in channeling through song and helps one project their energies through sound. One can cleanse, clear charge or heal through sound. One can activate crystals, symbols and intentions through sound. 
Blue Fluorite encourages one to say what needs to be said and aids in finding the correct words in difficult situations. This stone connects one to the beings of water; earthly, interdimensional and extraterrestrial. Blue Fluorite can be used in breath work. After a long, intentional inhale, one may exhale a specific tone that is healing, through the vocal cords. As the sound resonates within ones being, clearing of the etheric body occurs. Just as the dolphins have used sound to purify and energize the waters, one can use their voice to charge and purify the waters within or without, giving structure and purpose to subtle energies. 

Blue Fluorite can help one recall memories from past lives, calling back pieces of oneself that may have been lost due to the density of modern human life. It is associated with Atlantis and is a stone of seers. Those who work with this crystal likely lived through the fall of Atlantis and are here to build New Earth, recreating a society of love, higher consciousness and magic in conjunction with Natural Law and the movement of the celestial bodies. 

Clear Fluorite: Clear Fluorite 
acts as a crown chakra detoxifier, clearing one from habitual thoughts that no longer serve their current well being. This variety is best for overall energy cleansing and reparation of the auric field.  
Clear Fluorite is a powerful wind element stone, it speaks of the power of spiritual thought, energetic focus and control.
This stone can bridge both hemispheres of the brain, creating a 'whole brain' state in which one can experience enhanced mental and psychic capability. It helps one to attune to the highest form of self during meditation and produces rich visions or insights, enhancing ones capacity to interpret such things. 

Green Fluorite: Green Fluorite is useful in purifying the space in which it sits. It works in the physical planes, detoxifying the air, ones body and food. Green Fluorite can clear unwanted bacteria from the atmosphere, ensuring that one maintains their health. Using Green Fluorite in crystal healing sessions and grids can aid those who are suffering from illness or disease. It works on deep cellular levels, reaching every atom, allowing ones meridians and chakra system to be cleared and aligned.
Green Fluorite is helpful to those who are working towards new habits in the realm of physical health and nutrition. It will keep the user focused and organized when creating plans and schedules. Green Fluorite strengthens ones ability to listen to their body, helping the user identify which foods or medicines are beneficial for them specifically.. or to identify a current issue, illness or reaction and where it may have stemmed from. 

Purple Fluorite: The energy of Purple Fluorite is quite otherworldly and can be perceived as too intense or off-putting for certain individuals. There comes a time for everything in life and though one may not be attracted to a specific crystal now, there's no telling how they might feel about it in a few years. This philosophy rings true for Purple Fluorite and may be the source of discomfort for some.
Purple Fluorite removes the veils that lie heavily on our minds eye, revealing deep truths that were once hidden, far, far away in the psyche. Or, it can awaken a sense of knowing in the user about circumstances outside of themselves that they were once unable to see clearly. Basically, Purple Fluorite removes rose colored glasses, acting as a catalyst for the user to find profound meaning in every aspect of life. Meditating with this stone creates a protective layer around ones energy bodies, in which the user can safely explore other realms and worlds without picking up psychic debris or enduring the attachment of unwanted entities. 

It is a deeply spiritual stone that can strengthen ones psychic and mental capabilities. Purple Fluorite is a stone of discernment, encouraging one to come to their own conclusions through consciously going on the personal journey of finding the truth for oneself. It helps one be open to listen to different perspectives and ideologies without automatically absorbing them or taking them on as their own beliefs. Purple Fluorite is a stone of individuality with the understanding that each living thing is an expression of one whole. It brings confidence to those who don't follow the crowd and inspires those who do follow the crowd to carve their own path, awakening authenticity. 

Yellow Fluorite: Yellow Fluorite acts as a psychic vacuum cleaner for the Solar Plexus. Within the mineral kingdom, Yellow Flourite is the stone that most clearly emanates the swords energy in the Tarot. Thus, to those who need to make a lot of clear headed decisions, especially in leader or management positions, this stone can be a great ally.

Yellow Fluorite is a stone of unity and stabilizes the energy within groups, making it the perfect cooperative talisman for business partnerships, sports teams, bands, actors etc. Working with this stone can stimulate positive energy flow into ones thoughts, opening optimistic and bright outlooks towards projects. It aligns the mind and the will, ensuring one can actively bring their ideas to life. 

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Garnet is a beautiful stone that has symbolized the richness of life since biblical times. It activates the root chakra and promotes vitality. When working with Garnet one will find their energy levels have risen, giving the push needed to finish tasks at hand. Garnet is very grounding and stabilizing physically, it motivates those who find it difficult to bring their brilliant ideas to fruition.
It is a sexually stimulating stone that activates the libido. Garnet can be used to strengthen the sacred bond between lovers, arousing a deep need to get to know each other on deeper levels by engaging in intimacy. Garnet is the perfect talisman in a bedroom, especially if one is trying to start a family or wanting to achieve an important goal. The red color of Garnet also represents the blood. It ensure proper blood flow throughout the body, promotes a steady heart rate and can help women connect deeper to their bodies during their menstrual cycle. Garnet is the color of life and has been used for centuries to maintain overall health and happiness.
Garnet is a protective stone that promotes emotional well being. Wearing Garnet will help ward off negative entities and people, including dangerous situations. A stone of self confidence, Garnet induces great feelings of passion that grant the user with a strong sense of purpose, enrichening an outdated or pessimistic mindset. It holds the energy of pure strength and belief in ones desires as to not give up. To stay driven, to accomplish what one was put here to do and be open to the possibility that what one may think they want could turn out better than ever anticipated. 



Girasol is a milky variety of quartz, also known as Moon Quartz. Ironically, the word Girasol is Italian for "turn toward the sun" or "sunflower". 

Girasol possesses the qualities of Quartz but on a softer level. It is both soothing to the emotional and physical bodies. Girasol is a stone of inner peace, awakening harmonious feelings and thinking within the user. It is emotionally supportive and promotes balance in those who are prone to quick mood changes. Girasol reflects the soul's purest intentions back to the conscious self, making it a great tool for visualization and scrying to gain clarity. 

A quick aura cleansing method with Girasol is to act as if the crystal were a bar of soap, running it up and down the body, either physically or just hovering above. Working with Girasol can show one how to best communicate in difficult situations as it brings awareness to the users more empathetic qualities. It illuminates the fact that remaining in the heart centre can be quite effortless, when we eliminate heavy distractions. - this is why the aura cleansing method is effective. Girasol is an overall, feel good stone that will inspire creativity, originality and happiness in anyone who chooses to use it. It has a nurturing quality that opens the user to their own wisdom and to act accordingly. 


Golden Healer has all the properties of Clear Quartz plus the enhanced bonus of Iron inclusions which is what makes this crystal 'golden'. 
Golden Healer connects one with Christ Consciousness and the realm of Ascended Masters. For this reason it is extremely illuminating to ones entire being. The user will feel their energetic bodies become full of positive spiritual impact as soon as they hold or wear one. A powerful solar plexus activator, ones will-power, mental clarity and confidence are sure to get a boost. Its sunny vibration fills the auric field with golden light and sends healing frequencies anywhere in the body that needs it. Golden Healer can be used to aid in healing any ailment whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It activates the DNA, awakening dormant cells and brings a strong sense of purpose. Golden Healer resonates with the highest frequencies in the Universe - unconditional love, pure light and the Golden Ray of Christ. The vibration of Golden Healer is comparable to Jesus, crystallized, as it moves in a state where the production of miracles is possible. 
Golden Healer is quite obviously a favourite and powerful tool among healers, yogis, spiritual guides, teachers and leaders. It is a great stone to use during energy healing sessions, the more this stone is used in ceremony, the more influential its properties become. 


Goshenite is colorless and known as the purest form of Beryl.
It is very much associated with the upper chakras and angelic beings. Like other Beryls, it is a promoter of ones highest truth and authenticity. It can be used during meditation or prayer as it amplifies the effects of our intention and vibration. Working with Goshenite regularly can strengthen ones intellect, stimulating focus and the ability to remember or retain enigmatic concepts.
Goshenite is associated with motherhood and can help a mother heal from having difficulty raising children or even from the loss of a child. It is also useful for those who have strained relationships or hardships with their own mothers. Goshenite is associated with loyalty, respect and fidelity in romantic relationships. 
Physically, Goshenite can curb the symptoms of PMS by balancing the hormones. It is associated with the moon, making it useful for one to purify their emotions and balance their moods. It is also has detoxifying abilities which strengthen the immune system, fighting viruses and diseases.


Hanksite is a potassium sulfate mineral, making it a member in the family of salts. Found mainly in California, these stones are water soluble and should be kept away from water. To prevent the stone from drying out, mineral oil can be applied, ensuring a lasting shine. 
Hanksite is a grounding stone that cleanses psychic debris from the aura, and aligns the chakras. Meditation with Hanksite can bring to the attention of the user; relationships, foods or habits that are creating energy blockages within ones field. It promotes higher states of consciousness, stimulating the senses and elevating the mind. Hanksite opens the third eye, assisting one in seeing the reality beyond illusion. 
Hanksite is a stone of forgiveness and helps one be comfortable with the cycles of life. It is a powerful ally when one is experiencing grief like the loss of a loved one. The purity of this stone helps one become accustomed to the actuality of death, realizing that physical death is not the end of life, it is only the beginning of a new cycle. Hanksite offers the user extra protection after periods of darkness, sadness or depression. Due to its strong cleansing frequencies, working with Hanksite motivates one to move forward after difficult passages in life.




Heliodor is a variety of Beryl, the same mineral family that gives us Emerald and Aquamarine. It’s found in a beautiful golden-yellow to yellow-green color, though the exact shade can vary depending on its trace elements. This crystal belongs to the hexagonal crystal system and forms in prismatic crystals. Its luster is typically vitreous, meaning it has a glass-like shine, and it ranks at about 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it relatively durable and suitable for both jewelry and display. Heliodor forms in pegmatite deposits—where the crystals form slowly , deep in the pockets of rock, giving them lots of room to grow large. It often appears in granite and metamorphic rocks, especially in aluminous or beryl-bearing pegmatites fields.

Notable deposits of Heliodor can be found in places like Minas Gerais, Brazil, various mines in Madagascar, and from Ukraine,  which in my opinion, produces the most interesting specimens, that feature a deep-yellow green saturation and alien like or galactic looking etchings all over the crystal. They’re beautiful and very popular specimens to see at fine mineral shows & museums. 

Heliodor is not just a very aesthetic  gem—it’s a powerhouse of energy. Known as a stone of new ideas, new opportunities, and building luck, Heliodor brings a wave of positive energy into your life. It’s like a beacon of sunlight, opening doors to fresh possibilities and helping you seize the opportunities you’ve been waiting for. If you're looking to boost your luck and create pleasurable experiences, Heliodor is the crystal you need! It is named after the Greek God of the Sun, Helios, after all.

This crystal is a mind & will connector. It works to align the power of your thoughts with the strength of your will (similar to that of Topaz) helping you make decisions from a place of confidence rather than doubt. Whether you’re launching a new project, changing careers, or setting big goals, Heliodor gives you that push to move forward with optimism. Its also the perfect companion for one who may be experiencing stagnancy in their career, finances or overall life in general as it can be used to magnetize new opportunities, while also giving the user the confidence to Say Yes to said opportunities..even if they’re experiecing a little self doubt.

- This especially rings true for me currently, as I’ve just had basically two months of not working much because the majority of my time was given to a program I was enrolled in, so now I’m trying to gain a positive outlook in finding new opportunities & building mastery even if that little voice inside my head tells me I’m not good enough…I’ve been sleeping with Heliodor for at least a month, and it is working, I’ve said Yes to a few projects even in the face of fear & negative self talk.

It’s the stone that helps you build momentum and stay motivated, no matter the obstacles ahead.

If you're someone who needs a boost of energy, Heliodor has got you covered. Similar to Citrine, it can recharge your physical energy and keep you feeling energized, especially if you’re feeling a bit worn out or overwhelmed. It's the perfect companion for when you need to take action, create something new, or overcome mental fatigue. Think of it as a personal battery that keeps you running at full power.

Heliodor is also known as a warrior’s stone—one that is especially helpful for those who’ve gone through trauma, hardship, or challenges. It helps you turn past pain into wisdom, empowering you to face the world with courage and strength. With its warm, golden energy, it encourages you to rise above fear, self-doubt, and negative thinking, and instead move forward with clear intentions and a strong sense of purpose.

Heliodor doesn’t just help you get by—it helps you thrive. This stone is incredibly helpful when it comes to problem-solving, especially in situations where you need to find the fairest or most desired outcome. You can even put Heliodor under your pillow, and find solutions to any current or future issues while you sleep, bringing this knowledge into waking life, whether the information be at the top of your head or hidden in the subconscious, the information is there to be utilized when the time is right.   Heliodor helps you communicate effectively with others, bridging the gap between differences and encouraging collaboration. If you’re acting as a mediator or dealing with a disagreement, it guides you to listen to all perspectives with an open mind, allowing you to gain more information and insight. With this extra guidance, you’re able to see the bigger picture and find the best solution to any issue at hand. It helps one find ways to clear obstacles in their path, helping them approach challenges with a clear, intuitive mind and the intelligence or tools needed to navigate complex situations. Whether you’re solving personal conflicts or guiding others toward understanding, working with Heliodor can lead you to the most harmonious resolution.

Heliodor is all about triumph. Triumph over fear, over limitations, and over obstacles. It encourages one to step into their personal power and pursue their highest potential. By Keeping Heliodor close to you,  you can trust that you’re on the path to abundance, success, and fulfilling your divine purpose.

So, if you’re ready to embrace new ideas, conquer challenges, and create an abundance of opportunities, Heliodor is the crystal that will help you do that. And working with  its powerful energy may just guide you toward the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The heavenly bodies that resonate with Heliodor are: the sun, Jupiter, Mars, the stars in general and in some cases Uranus & Saturn.

The sun, moon & rising signs that will feel an affinity to Heliodor are: Leo, Sagittarius  & Scorpio, and  in some cases, Aquarius.

The sun, moon & rising signs that will benefit from using Heliodor are:
Pisces though, if you are a Pisces, I feel like this could be intense, so start in smaller doses, for example, write down some smaller goals that are easily achievable day by day and as you make that a new routine for a while, you can then move on to adding some bigger ideas.

Capricorn, though a lot of this may come naturally to you, I feel like using this stone will help bring in more of that sun or jupitarian optimism.

Aries, though you are THE WARRIOR, sometimes I find that Aries can be weaker in the areas of mediating or being really open to the thoughts & opinions of others, so yes, you may feel an affinity to heliodor, but working with the stone can help bring your strong skills to a deeper level of understanding & more thought towards problem solving instead of just go go go!

And Cancer, working with Heliodor can help you step into being that fearless leader, we all know you are by removing the anxiety about whether the majority approves or dissapproves of what you’re doing or what you believe.


Hemimorphite is a highly spiritual stone, making the perfect talisman for those who are going through their first awakening. It can help call light to the etheric and physical bodies, dispelling stagnant or stuck energy from the auric field. Hemimorphite raises awareness and discernment within the user. It has also been known to test those who are novices to their own psychic abilities, meaning it will attract certain people or opportunities that may need to be weeded out or carefully assessed. This requires trust in ones owns intuition or gut feeling, which Hemimorphite enhances.
Hemimorphite creates feelings of joy within the user and a wondrous curiosity to experience and accept all emotions that could possibly be felt. It has such an emphasis on the emotions that one can begin to understand on deeper levels what others may be going through, allowing the user to be a bearer of heightened compassion. It is a great stone for therapists, ie; psycho-spiritual, crystal healers, energy healers, talk therapists, etc, as it helps one get in touch with the deepest parts of the heart and mind, ascending into higher densities to pull out relevant information. It is also a useful communication stone, as it connects the higher chakras, creating an open flow of clarity that allows one to properly express themselves or speak freely. 
Hemimorphite is an exceptional stone for channelers, psychics and mediums as it facilitates the proper spiritual growth one needs to connect or communicate with spirits. It is like a torch that lights a long, dark hallway and the user who is brave enough to endure the experience will lead the way for others in need. 
Hemimorphite is helpful for hormonal imbalances like PMS, headaches and migraines or hormonal shifts caused by puberty, menopause or a decrease in testosterone.



Hiddenite is the green or yellow variety of Spodumene. 

Hiddenite is a stone of self worth and the belief in ones unique beauty and gifts. We were all born with specific skills, strengths, talents, 'imperfections' and weaknesses. These things don't make us any better or worse than our neighbour. In fact, working with Hiddenite teaches one to embrace and love every aspect of oneself, even their insecurities. Working with this stone adjusts the users vibration to attract love and experiences in which one feels an overflow of love. 

Hiddenite weeds away distractions that may steer the user off their path or keep them from their mission. Carrying or wearing it daily will increase ones determination to achieve all of which they are capable. Hiddenite aids one in cutting away bad habits that are caused by anxiety or boredom, like nail biting, binge eating or over eating, skin picking and other obsessive compulsive behaviours. This crystal reminds one of their truth, who they are and why they're here. Practicing words of kindness toward oneself and others can be facilitated by the use of Hiddenite. Over time, ones perspective will shift and they may begin to see just how beautiful they are, that their individuality is their power and that their unique light is very much needed and just as relevant as anyone else on the planet. Working with Hiddenite lovingly shows the user that their existence on this plane is not by fluke and they were meant to achieve something specific...whether it be grand or simple...there is a purpose. 


Himalayan Quartz is a rarer variety of quartz that are mined once a year from the Himalaya's. They range from clear to smoky to a pink hue - which is also known as Samadhi Quartz. 
Like regular Quartz they are attributed to amplification, deep healing, cleansing and can be designated to any intention. However, Himalayan Quartz properties seem to carry even more of an expansive frequency as they grow in very high altitudes. One can feel the ancient healing energy of the Himalayas radiate throughout their body, especially in the heart when holding a Himalayan Quartz crystal. They hold a serene vibration which is ideal for reaching meditative and mindful states of consciousness. Meditation with Himalayan Quartz daily is recommended as they can catapult the user into peaceful balance, as if they've been held and cleansed by the mountains, themselves. 
Himalayan Quartz is a great ally for use during crystal healing sessions to open and activate the practitioner and the client, keeping the energies clear - like a fresh gust of wind filling a room through an open window. These sweet silicates speak of connection to all that is, embodying oneness with all life on the planet and throughout the universe. The senses, physical and non-physical will become the centre of focus encouraging the user to be fully present. An excitement for life; to feel, to experience, to explore and to discover are stimulants Himalayan Quartz offers.
If life has become heavy or hectic, it is recommended to hold or keep Himalayan Quartz close by. This will illuminate the light that lives within the user, To inspire one to come back to centre, focusing on the here and now, sending optimistic visions into the future. It is a great stone to keep near the bed, in a meditation space, yoga studio or on a desk.

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Jade is the name shared with both Nephrite and Jadeite.
Both Nephrite and Jadeite are found in a wide range of colours the most common being, shades of green, white, brown and black. Rarer varieties display purple, red and blue tones. 
Jade has been most popular among the Chinese for centuries and is believed to strengthen the body and all levels of health, even after death. 
Green Jade: Green Jade is strongly associated with physical health, healing, prosperity and abundance. It is representative of Mother Earth and her medicinal plants. Green Jade promotes a peaceful state of mind and well being. They can be worn every day, any time, even during sleep. Jade helps one have continued restful sleeps and pleasant dreams. There is a deeply heart centring quality to this stone that creates a sense of safety in the wearer. Green Jade is grounding and revitalizing, helping one feel fulfilled in life and have gratitude towards all they have and what they do. Wearing Green Jade or having it in the home encourages the flow of money and fertility. It brings happiness, harmony and success in business and family. 
Black Jade: Black Jade shares all the qualities of other Jade's but with an extra layer of protection. It guards ones energy, making it difficult for negative forces to influence or attach themselves. It is a powerful stone for self discovery and can facilitate deep inner journeying, where one can objectively face the wounded parts of their personality. Black Jade is helpful in ridding one of jealousy, anger, fear and anxiety by unlocking traumatic memories within the psyche. Black Jade can transform the inner workings of ones mind, bringing them onto the next phase of their path, broadening their spiritual experience. It is recommended to be used by survivors of abuse, those who are finding it hard to come out of their shell and people who suffer from violent or angry outbursts. 
White Jade: White Jade is a stone of pure serenity. It is associated with compassion and purification of the mind, body and spirit. White Jade brings a sense of peace and cleanliness to the user and their home. It is calming, easily inducing meditative states. One can increase their intuitive abilities and connect to the higher realms with the use of White Jade. It is a protective talisman for women brining beauty and a harmonious energy flow into everything they do.



Mookaite Jasper: Like all Jaspers, Mookaite is very grounding. It is a stone that will deeply connect one to the frequency of the Earth. It reawakens the primal instincts that can sometimes be lost or forgotten in the modern world. Mookaite is a stone of natural ability, connection with nature and common sense. Working with Mookaite Jasper promotes feelings of safety and stability within the users body, their current life circumstances, their jobs, relationships and on the planet. It is a survivalist stone that will strengthen problem solving skills. Mookaite puts one completely in balance with God’s Will, their own free will and with the Law of Nature, stimulating the ability to “know” what path to take literally, both physical and non-physical.

Ocean Jasper: Ocean Jasper is a form of cryptocrystalline quartz.The original seam in Madagascar has since been mined out, some rare pockets are still being found here and there, although it is still a moderately scarce crystal.
This form of Jasper is deeply connected to the oceans of inner earth, also knowledge of Atlantis and Lemuria.
This stone can invite the sight of orbs, the mysterious balls of light that appear in sacred sites and in photographs. If in a previous life one has died by means of water, which manifests as an unexplained phobia of water, Ocean Jasper can help the soul reframe the experience, allowing one to feel more at home in the water.
Ocean Jasper connects one to the ocean floor, where it is dark and all encompassing; The whole of water throughout, protecting one and the sand beneath, supporting one.. It allows a safe space for astral travel and  emotional release. Ocean Jasper facilitates the transformation of grief into creative and expressive energy.

Red Jasper:  This ancient stone is mighty, yet gentle, it will not over stimulate the system, making it the perfect grounding crystal to work with over long periods of time. 

Red Jasper is useful for those who are looking to feel grounded, strong, energized and calm, all at the same time. There is no pressure with this stone, one will simply feel secure and empowered in the presence of Red Jasper. Bringing creative projects to life and working towards goals in the physical world are benefits that earthy Red Jasper offers.

Awakening the life force within and learning how to balance sexual energy is an integral part of attracting our deepest desires. One will start to feel more attractive and sexy while working with Red Jasper, raising confidence and self love. It can also make the user more attractive to potential suitors or love interests, especially when paired with Rose Quartz.

Like all Jaspers, Red Jasper possesses a ‘Guru’ type quality in ways that it allows rapid energy transfers to move through the user, inspiring them and teaching them, all while being emotionally balanced and of sound mind. Red Jasper is incredibly inspirational. As it assists one in connecting deeper to the self, one will exude a vibe that will inspire others to do the same. It is a stone of personal power, teaching one what is important in life and what is worth showing up for, maintaining the responsibility to do so.

Red Jasper encourages physical strength and helps the body build muscle. It is a stone for working out and personal trainers. It will motivate those who are feeling weak or who experience periods of laziness. It is an aid to those who are healing from illnesses which hinder physical activity.

 Unakite is a type of Jasper made of Feldspar, Epidote & Clear Quartz.
Like all Jaspers, Unakite holds a very grounding, earthy frequency of long lasting benefit. It is a stone of deep healing which facilitates the banishing of bad habits. Unakite unlocks traumatic bonds and releases emotional wounds that have created blockages in one’s life. It is a perfect tool for those seeking to purge toxic energies and substances down to the cellular level.
A stone of persistence and longevity, Unakite is most beneficial when worked with over long periods of time. Anything worth having is worth the hard work, trials and  tribulations. This crystal is a powerful talisman for truth seekers and  those who are steadfast on their spiritual path.
Yellow Jasper: All Jasper, including yellow, has the ability to enhance ones endurance and stamina. Yellow Jasper can work over a long period of time to increase the level of chi at ones solar plexus, preventing anxiety and self loathing. It allows one to see the joys of life, making fun out of dark times. Yellow Jasper protects one during spiritual work and physical travel.
This stone stimulates the endocrine system, releases toxins, and heals digestion and the stomach.


Kunzite is the pink or purple form of Spodumene.
Kunzite is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration while simultaneously having soothing effect, great for those who find it hard to stay calm. It encourages humility and the willingness to serve. It inspires freedom of self expression and strengthens the outer layer of the auric field. Due to this, Kunzite is good for those of us who feel uncomfortable in large crowds.
Kunzite has been used in recovering lost childhood memories that have been blocked. It is healing to those who feel they have grown up too fast, bringing back a sense of trust and innocence. 
Kunzite clears heartache brought on from past lives and works deep within the emotional body to alleviate panic attacks. This stone activates the higher heart or thymus chakra connecting it with the throat and third eye.
In healing, Kunzite strengthens the circulatory system and the heart. It is helpful in calming epilepsy and neuralgia, and soothes joint pain. Pink Kunzite contains lithium, and is beneficial for stress and depression. Kunzite can also be a wonderful gift for first time mothers, strengthening the bond between mother and child.


Black Kyanite: The blades of Black Kyanite are a powerful cleansing tool that can be used to "cut" negative attachments from the etheric body. It is a protective talisman against "energy vampires" for the user. Its shape is reminiscent of a sweep, like that of a witches broom and as such the crystal can be used to open a sacred space, removing unwanted energy. When meditating, it is recommended to wave a Black Kyanite crystal above each chakra in circular motions. This technique, known as “plumbing” can reveal important information that’s been hidden within each associated chakra. It is a plunge into the depths of ones current and past life experiences, pulling forward dormant  trauma, teachings, strengths, etc. that are ready to be faced.
Black Kyanite is extremely protective for those who are sensitive to subtle energies from surrounding environments or people. It, along with Black Tourmaline are a great pair to work with when one conducts any type of paranormal research or investigation. Black Kyanite is spiritually, emotionally and energetically supportive for those who have come from a hard background or who have grown up around addiction. Carrying or wearing Black Kyanite daily, ensures that one can get their life on the right track, heal and move forward.
Blue Kyanite: Blue Kyanite is a high vibrational crystal that can attune one to the 12th dimension and beyond, it dispels stagnant and negative energies. Blue Kyanite raises the frequency of everyone and everything around it. This stone does not absorb energy, only transmits high frequencies. For this reason, it does not need to be cleansed and can be used to re-attune the energy of other crystals and can cleanse people or places. 
Blue Kyanite is a remover of blockages, producing a beautiful balance of both yin and yang energies. A stone of alignment, it instantly adjusts the chakras and meridians, allowing for one to experience mental, emotional and spiritual tranquility, opening the mind to higher learning and knowledge. This stone activates and opens the third eye chakra, stimulating visions, premonitions and astral travel. It clears energetic blockages allowing for ease of communication between people, facilitating the transfer of telepathic information.
Blue Kyanite creates a bridge for deeper connection allowing one to express their inner truth. It is valuable in talk therapy and is recommended to be kept in therapists offices. Blue Kyanite should be used by psychic channellers as it is a powerful crystal for attaining divine wisdom. Blue Kyanite can facilitate contact with Extraterrestrial beings and spiritual guides, it can also strengthen the relationship to ones own higher self. 
Green Kyanite: Green Kyanite is a powerful stone of discernment for our heart and mind. Like all Kyanite, Green Kyanite creates a bridge between knowing and feeling. This is helpful for those who have become influenced by outside voices to go another way,  falling off their unique life path. It cleanses the mind of clutter and releases ideas that are not ones own. Green Kyanite should be used by those who fall prey to the manipulation of others as it awakens ones mental strength, feeding it into the entire body. It will harden the shell of sensitive souls who may often act naively.
Green Kyanite assists one in finding or hearing their heart’s truth, facilitating inner discovery. It allows one to find sincerity in people and information. It is a stone that offers support from Nature Spirits and Mother Earth, herself. Getting down to the basics of nature and how everything started or where everything came from are thoughts that will be stimulated by the use of Green Kyanite. It creates harmonic balance within the energetic bodies, including the chakra system, meridians and the aura.


Labradorite is in the Feldspar family of minerals.
Labradorite is a stone of magic. It enhances our mental and intuitive capabilities. Eg, clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel, psychic reading etc. Labradorite helps one to eliminate fear and anxiety in regards to their self worth and life in general. Working with Labradorite reinstates inspiration and the will to move forward after hard times or endings. It facilitates the movement of renewal, shedding old parts of the self, causing a full transformation, rising into an evolved version. For this reason alone, Labradorite is strongly recommended to those who are going through an existential crisis, dark night of the soul or experiencing creative blocks.
Labradorite arises the opportunity for one to discover the innate magic that exists within. Frequent use of this stone will guide one into seeing the infinite possibilities that exist in life. Remembering that we are all powerful creators, that destiny rests in our own hands in accordance with God. The wheels will begin to spin, helping one push the negative thought patterns away and progress toward the next level of life. Any self sabotaging behaviours one may possess can be worked out and healed when Labradorite comes into their life.


               ✧ LOVE ✧ SOULMATES ✧ ATLANTIS ✧ OCEAN LIFE                                        
Also known as ‘Atlantis Stone’, Larimar is mined only in the Dominican Republic. It is the product of volcanic gas meeting with crystallized minerals, solidified in the water. 

Stimulating the throat chakra and emotional body, Larimar can inspire gentle, honest and loving communication within relationships. Whether one expresses their hurts through passive aggressive behaviour or straight up, in your face aggression; this stone can help calm the eye of the storm, granting one the tools needed to get their point across, compassionately. Even if one has issues admitting they're hurt at all, internalizing pain due to fear, Larimar can guide the user back to a position of positive self worth.
Larimar activates the emotions, because of this, it can take some time to adjust to its vibration. One may be overwhelmed at first in the presence of the stone. It may be wise to work with or wear it in a private setting for a day or two, before bringing it out into the world as it may provoke emotional outbursts or breakdowns. What one holds within the depths of their souls will rise to the surface, allowing the opportunity to face the pain and ultimately move forward. Larimar gets one in touch with their divine feminine, assisting in the healing from toxic relationships and hurtful emotional patterns. With this stone one will begin to notice red flag behaviour within relationships, choosing to be treated better by themselves and others. 
If everyone had a piece of Larimar (and Moldavite) the world would heal and be filled with love. What an amazing event that would be... everyone could have a chance to remember who they are, what they deserve, empower themselves and keep ascending toward a higher purpose. 



Lemurian seed crystals are a special type of quartz. They are different in structure, displaying deep striations or grooves, looking like a laddered barcode, on alternating sides. Lemurians predate Atlanteans, and are known to have a consciousness that was centred upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions of existence.
Perfect tools for those on a healing path, these crystals are said to be encoded by the Lemurian race with divine information about our ascension, as they foresaw their imminent fall and prepared by encoding all of their wisdom into these crystals. It has also been said that each Lemurian crystal that stumbles into ones life were in fact imprinted by oneself in a past life and are meant to be in their possession. These crystals teach that we are multidimensional beings and give an objective view into prior lifetimes. They remind us that healing is  remembering our divine selves and time is an illusion.
Lemurian crystals make great all purpose healing wands, and when projecting energy through hem, ones hands become that of their divine self, willing that power, allowing access ones true core. Meditation with Lemurian seeds can facilitate the access of ancient healing modalities, and how to implicate them. Lemurians are teaching stones that can guide the user towards unlocking higher wisdom about humanity and life on Earth.
They are stone of unity with oneself, all Gods creatures and humanity. Working with a Lemurian quartz crystal can facilitate a feeling of "coming home" to oneself, walking the soul down the rainbow bridge of consciousness. To be seated, lovingly into ones body, into the here and now. They prove to be emotionally supportive, guiding one through the harsher realities of life. Each Lemurian crystal is coded with data specifically for the hands of the user in which it ends up in, encouraging one to embrace all aspects of themselves. To no longer run or hide from past choices or traumatic experiences and to become open to receiving confirmation from God through increased synchronicity. 


Lepidolite is a stone that cleanses the emotional body of stress in an instant. This crystal emits tranquil frequencies and helps one to feel balanced both, mentally and emotionally. Lepidolite assists one in being connected to their inner self which aids in building self trust. It can open a sense of inner knowing, guiding the user toward making healthy decisions. Lepidolite builds self worth where one will choose to comfortably set boundaries, eliminating an over-extension of their energy.
It is a stone that aids those grieving the loss of a loved one or those in mourning. Lepidolite removes emotional guilt, guiding one on their path toward finding happiness. It is an energetic cleanser that can protect one from EMFs and energetic smog that can create blockages within a frequented space or ones aura. It proves to be a protective talisman at stressful jobs or when dealing with difficult people or situations. Hold Lepidolite or place it between the solar plexus and sacral chakras after a long, draining day. The high lithium content in Lepidolite is what gives the stone many of its anti-depressant and soothing qualities.


Meet Moldavite’s older, Egyptian sister. 
Approximately 27 million years, though mysterious as there is no evidence of meteoric impact, Libyan Gold Tektite is a nearly pure silicate that was once treasured by the Ancient Egyptians. Like other Tektites, these golden, glass jewels radiate high frequencies that attribute to consciousness expansion. LDG is a manifestation powerhouse that works directly with the third eye and solar plexus chakras. It’s color and association with Kings and Queens teaches on that they can create a healthy relationship with abundance, riches and prosperity.
It is a protective stone that shields the energetic field of the user in a hardened gold shell. Wearing LDG restores faith in ones ability to make their dreams come true. Being a stone of elevated awareness, it does not want to leave anyone out, commanding forth the light within others also. It helps one release judgement towards others actions as to not let their choices affect the user personally. It is a stone of letting go of what one cannot control, focusing on creating ones own happiness and working towards personal goals. LDG is so warm and inviting that it can have an inspirational effect on everyone around it, even if there is only one person wearing it at a given time.
LDG can come off as quite unassuming at first in comparison to the unpredictable nature of Moldavite... but don't let this fool you. Though, LDG is less intimidating, the more practical vibe of this tektite is needed to maintain a healthy outlook on how one can expand, advance and build financial and familial stability in life. 



Lodolite (AKA Shamanic Quartz, AKA Garden Quartz) is a stone of authenticity and 'authority' - Authority as in; being in a conscious leader position, not in a tyrannical sense. Lodolite is deeply grounding, creating a feeling of security or safety for the user. It can help those master the arts of responsibility, accountability and stability. Shamanic Quartz can induce trance like states and is a great crystal to use when going on deep, meditative journeys. The inner landscapes that the Lodolite inclusions create in the Quartz is reminiscent of 'other worlds' which makes it a preferred tool for Shamans, Teachers and Guides. Lodolite Quartz is a stone of personal growth and development, helping the user recognize and change detrimental patterns. This earthy crystal should be used daily for months at a time to gain the dream fulfilling benefits it has to offer.

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Malachite, with the elements of earth and fire, bring us great healing to our solar plexus and heart chakras. Malachite was known to the ancients also, with the Egyptians utilizing its healing abilities since 3000 B.C. It was common amongst the Greeks and Romans, for jewelry, ornaments, and even crushed into eyeshadow (not recommended as it is toxic).
Malachite is a balanced stone, carrying the fire of the copper and conductivity combined with the deep green earth energies it shows. The energy of Malachite helps us to take action in the world, and to create from our thoughts and ideas while also aligning them with our heart. It stimulates both the heart and solar plexus and promotes ones expression of their divine will. A perfect stone for leaders, it can help individuals to take responsibility and "step up to the plate" so to speak. Malachite is a great ally for one who is feeling trapped in waiting for their reality to change.
Malachites beautiful, rich green colour reveals its ability to heal on both the physical and emotional levels. It is a great stone for getting to the root cause of ailments and finding out why, rather than throwing a bandage on the situation. For some, this energy can be intimidating or intense, so pairing it with softer stones like Rose Quartz or Calcite can ease one into the experience. 
Malachite is an ideal stone for burning through emotional confusion that can prevent one from making conscious choices. Malachite helps in overcoming the fear of flying, confrontation and self expression.
Malachite helps in the production of red blood cells, assisting with oxygenation of the body and overall vitality. It draws toxins from the body and supports in cleansing rituals, helping to reduce inflammation. It can alleviate symptoms of PMS and the cramping or pain women experience during their menstrual cycle by placing it on the lower belly/higher pelvic area. 


Meteorites are pieces of space metal that have fallen through mother earths auric field. With the element of fire and the cosmos, they carry a fast paced frequency. Meteorites, as well as Tektites, have a physical and energetic effect on the user called a 'flush', this phenomena may be due to their extraterrestrial origin feeling so foreign and intense to us here on Earth. They can facilitate contact with inter-dimensional beings when used in meditation or dream work. Some may even gather insights from beyond our solar system when journeying with a Meteorite.
Working with Meteorites may be beneficial to individuals who feel out of place being human in this life time and wish to connect with their Star Ancestors. They can provoke memories of having past lives on different star systems and planets, bringing rise to the remembering of information about difference star races, their technology and what life was like.


Mimetite magically enters ones life when they are least expecting it. It proves to be a powerful mineral for those working toward lifestyle changes. Whether it is related to health, goals, careers, moving homes or travel, Mimetite rushes in the fiery energy of newness into ones life. This happy, go lucky, yellow-orange crystal brings a sense of pure joy and inspires one to explore new dimensions and hobbies that they have yet to fully dive into.
Mimetite is a wonderful chakra cleanser, creating balance within the auric field and clears blockages within the meridians. It is a stone of self love, reminding one to dedicate time toward their goals or self care, rather than depleting their energy for others. Mimetite encourages one to look at all avenues of life from a fresh perspective, knowing that it is possible to create a better and stronger foundation. 
Mimetite is relatively rare, most of the crystals that have been on the market are fine and go for thousands of dollars.. though there have been new, some being affordable, productions coming out of Mexico as of late. 



Moonstone is in the feldspar family of minerals.

Moonstone is a feminine stone that encourages many personal breakthroughs within the realms of perception. It is a stone of feminine mystique and magic, deeply relating to High Priestess energy. Moonstone strengthens ones intuition and encourages the journey one must take within to find missing pieces that have been hidden. It reawakens ones spiritual gifts, blessing upon them the healing properties of the Moon. Working with Moonstone highlights cycles in ones life, that one gains and loses with each ending and beginning. It reminds one to celebrate the milestones and accomplishments that each new cycle brings. Including Moonstone in rituals conducted on the new and full moons will enhance ones intentions, spiritual experience and manifestations.

Black Moonstone: Black Moonstone is especially beneficial during the waxing and New Moon phase. It is great for those who are interested in shadow work and shamanism as it facilitates deep meditative states that invite the user to journey inward. The use of Black Moonstone is recommended when starting a new journey or cycle, it can even be helpful to those craving change due to life becoming stagnant or boring. It is emotionally supportive during the ending of a relationship or in the loss of a pet. It is protective against toxic behaviour and draining people, bouncing the energy back from where it came, leaving the user unscathed.

Garnierite (Green Moonstone): Garnierite is unique among the Moonstone varieties as it not only connects one to the energy of the Moon but to that of Mother Earth as well. Nickel is what makes Garnierite green. The Earth has heavy nickel deposits in its core, making nickel an element of strength and foundation. Garnierite helps one anchor their emotions to the physical body, bringing extra discernment to what one feels. Garnierite is a stone of growth and fertility as it allows one to build upon their inspirational feelings. It brings relief to an anxious heart and relieves stress.
Peach Moonstone: Peach Moonstone has an emphasis on love and all matters associated with the heart. It is especially nurturing to those who easily become overwhelmed and feel uncomfortable having vulnerable conversations. It soothes the nervous system and aids in regulating fluctuating hormones. This makes it a great tool for young people going through puberty or for women who have an especially hard time during PMS. It allows one to stay calm and recognize that the chemical reactions in the body can have quite an impact on perception.

Rainbow Moonstone:
Rainbow Moonstone is great for those who need a boost of optimism and self worth. It is especially beneficial for women who are struggling with their body image and are unappreciative of their beauty. It enhances ones ability to receive clairvoyant visions, granting the access to see the underlying issues of a situation before anyone else even notices. As Rainbow Moonstone flashes vibrant colors, the true colors of others, too, will be revealed to the one who wears it. Rainbow Moonstone allows a clear flow of chi to move throughout the body, aligning the chakras. It is a very transformational stone that can help the user welcome new beginnings. Wearing Rainbow Moonstone is beneficial when meeting new people or during a job interview.


Moldavite is such a miraculous stone, it has even been theorized that the stones on the holy grail were polished Moldavite, others state that it could have even been a chalice entirely carved out of Moldavite. Either way, it has been recognized as a cosmic stone throughout the ages. 
This gemstone is a member of the tektite group, a glassy mixture of rapidly formed silicon dioxide, that is formed when a meteor collides with the essence of the earth to create an amorphous mixture of the two. This beautiful lovemaking between the far reaches of the stars and that of the earths womb is some of the most powerful energy thats been felt from a 'crystal'. The fact we are earthly beings made of stars also gives way to the fantastic experiences that will occur when Moldavite enters ones life, it pushes the boundaries of density to get us back in touch with who we are.
Moldavites formation was created by a large meteorite impact 14.8 million years ago, this impact crater is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. Most of the gemstones are found scattered about this area, and are commonly found by the farmers plowing their fields. Some scientific theories even suggest that it could even be an obsidian from a distant lunar volcano.
People who hold Moldavite for the first time often report feeling something from it, there is a powerful opening of the heart chakra, which is characterized by a strange sensation in the chest, or "butterflies", followed by an upwelling of emotion and a flushing of the face. Some call this the "Moldavite Flush". Most people feel that Moldavite excites their energies and speeds their vibrations, especially for the first few days or weeks until accustomed to the high frequency.
A wonderful gemstone for individuals with their most recent past incarnation being of extraterrestrial origin, it may feel like a piece of home to them. Moldavite activates all the chakras, its vibrations tend to focus on areas where one has blockages or inner wounds, clearing these areas first, and then becoming vibrationally resonant with the user. This can manifest in many ways, synchronicities will increase, changes will happen, rapid manifestation, spiritual healings, and an intensification of ones spiritual vitality. Some feel intimidated or scared to work with Moldavite because of how quickly their life could change.
Moldavite is a stone of rapid healing, meaning that everything and everyone that stands in ones way, ie holding the user back or wherever there may be stagnancy and blockages will be eradicated. 
However, because this stone is so powerful, it is very important to be clear that one is ready for change. It will make one face the hard truths in life, whether it be willingly and gracefully, or by trying force with tough love. It is not to be feared, as this can speed one into realization, instead of working through many, many lifetimes to do so.
Moldavite can be focused and used to heal any part of the user, spiritually, and through the etheric DNA, to also help heal any physical ailment.



Morganite is the pink-peach variety of Beryl. It is quite rare and unfortunately, there a many fake pieces on the market. 

Morganite, like all beryls, has a very high vibration and sophistication. 
It is cleansing to the auric field and aligns the chakra system, working specifically with heart centred energy throughout the emotional body. It emanates a soft, feminine, pink vibration which fills the outer layers of the body, as if a blanket of love is being laid over ones entire being. Morganite sparks loving sensations within the heart, creating a sense of comfort and joy for the user. Similar to other high vibe heart stones like, Kunzite and Danburite, one may feel a tickling sensation in the heart and thymus area. 

Morganite is incredibly healing to the self as it allows one to reach a state of forgiveness. Forgiveness of oneself, hurtful actions that may have been made in the past and toward those who have inflicted emotional wounds. Morganite encourages one to strengthen their current bonds and relationships by stripping away the fear of being seen or vulnerable. It guides those who have been through divorce or children of divorce to reinstate the value of love, showing them that true love is not meant to be hurtful. That not all relationships are worthless and that there is the right person for everyone. Morganite gently nurtures those who have been abandoned and fear letting their guard down in front of friends or a lover.

Morganite is a deeply spiritual stone that connects the user to the wellspring of Divine Love. It blesses the user with prosperity in love and an abundance of love. Associated with the feminine cosmic energy that exists throughout the universe, just wearing Morganite can greatly enhance ones state of being. It can be used by psychics, mediums and healers to receive messages from the angels and channel the highest forms of loving energy. Working with Morganite will strengthen ones connection to the Divine and shift their perspective on Earth. Crystal Healers and Keepers should work with Morganite to bring in the higher frequencies of love onto the planet as we shift into New Earth or The Age of Aquarius...or the next phase, here on the planet.



Muscovite is part of the Mica family of minerals. Its primary colors range from white, gray and colorless. It is often found growing on other minerals such as Quartz, Aquamarine, Cleavelandite and Granite.

Muscovite is a mental activator, stimulating quick thinking, clear problem solving skills and the formation of new ideas or fresh perspectives. It is inspirational in its ability to aid the user to think beyond logic, opening the processes of higher wisdom and knowledge. It engages the minds full capacity and should be used by scholars, academics, writers, mathematicians, scientists, teachers and inventors. Muscovite relieves the tensions one may experience when taking on challenging projects by instilling confidence in ones abilities. 

Due to its intense clarifying properties, working with Muscovite can inspire prophetic ideas and even stimulate visions or allow one to tap into a timeline of future events. During meditation one can project optimistic visuals into their future. It opens the third eye and may be used in the dream time to experience astral travel or lucid dreaming. Muscovite can also be used to cleanse the aura and protect the user from psychic attack. It is incredibly useful for those who are trying to detach from negative people or influences in their life, ie; chord cutting or entity attachment. 



Obsidian is a naturally formed, volcanic glass. It is a very protective stone that absorbs negative energy. It helps one work through difficult mental and emotional issues by reflecting the bigger picture when scrying. It will cast light on the shadows of ones personality, making it a perfect tool to integrate all aspects of the self, especially if one is facing their trauma.
Placing Obsidian on different areas of the body or chakras will pull deep rooted pain thats being held in said areas. Obsidian could be used to "trap" a negative entity that is causing havoc in ones home, make sure to properly dispose of said entity by planting the crystal in the dirt, away from the home, afterwards. It can be used to stabilize scattered energy and anxious thinking by slowing down ones thought processes, creating a safe bubble around the user. Obsidian does have the affect to make one feel whole or complete, this can sometimes be uncomfortable for those who are not ready 'sit' with themselves. However, it makes a great ally when one is having an emotional release or is in the state of letting go to find realization. 


Opal is a hydrated silicon dioxide mineral containing up to 30% water. Some Opals may crack when they become dry and must remain in water, but there are ways to properly dry them out without damaging their beauty. Opal is found in three different varieties; opalescent precious opal, fire opal (translucent to milky yellow-red) and opaque common opal. 
Opal is an emotional intensifier, clearly reflecting the mood of one who wears or holds it. If one is feeling joyful, the joy will be multiplied. On the other hand if one feels sadness or anger, these too, will be multiplied. This makes it helpful for the user to retain self awareness, by learning about personal triggers and which conversations may be best to have in a private setting...or when one is better able to handle their personal reactions. For thousands of years Opals have been associated with all things mystical, magical and were said to bring good luck. It is no wonder why Opal has been prized since the times before is incredibly beautiful.
Fire Opal: Fire Opal is quite rare and not so popular on the market. It brings an incredible boost of passion and confidence to ones life. It clearly says, "I can and I will", bringing joy and motivation into all aspects of life including love, career and family. Fire Opal exhibits how one can use their own strength to move forward in life, without comparing their unique journey to that of others. We each have our own way of doing things and Fire Opal pushes one to fiercely carve their own path with dedication! It can bring success in business and is recommended to keep in the work space, wear to work or to be put in a crystal grid for finances. Fire Opal attracts the right people and opportunities to the user to inevitably help grow their success and/or sales. It can rekindle the flame in romance and is healing to the lower chakras and sexual organs. 
Owyhee Blue Opal: Pronounced "Oh-wah-hee", Owhyee Blue Opals are found in the Owhyee Mountains of Oregon, and are very similar to common Blue Opal. They facilitate inner journeying, enhancing one’s capacity to experience joy. Owhyee Blue Opal are associated with reaching meditative states in which one can communicate with angelic beings and spirit guides. They help one to release fear by calming the neurons, giving a clear insight into where the fear is stemming from and finding the mental tools to properly handle it. Owyhee Blue Opals are emotionally soothing and bring relief to those suffering from grief and loss.

Precious Opal: Precious Opals can come in a variety of colors ranging from, black, white, chocolate, blue and red. They carry intense spiritual energies that can cleanse impure aspects of ones personality.  Precious Opals illuminate the aura, even bringing to light the darker areas and one must be willing to do the work it takes to clear the density or energetic blockages they’ve accumulated. For this reason, Precious Opals bring powerful and intense lessons that ask us to face ourselves. It is not always pretty, but it is necessary to experience the wholeness of who we are in order to grow. Sometimes we have to be put into positions where we openly project our own toxicity, to see, learn from and heal. After being made aware of our weaker areas and we have put in the necessary work, we can then use Precious Opal to manifest a spectrum of divine light, filling the entire aura.


Prehnite is a calcium aluminium silicate mineral. It usually occurs growing in massive botroidyal forms, most often growing with Epidote.
Prehnite is a purifier of the heart, mind and body. It connects ones emotions to the body, guiding the user to act with love, from the hearts intent. This makes it a great stone to use when one is faced with difficult decisions or is currently in a painful living situation, like the deteriorating of a marriage or to protect a child in a broken home. Prehnite inspires one to push forward with the hearts strength as the heart knows exactly what it wants. This drive is helpful for one who may not receive positive encouragement from people around them. Prehnite will assist in clarifying for the user what and who no longer serves their purpose. Who is one giving their energy to that may be draining or have a toxic influence? What possessions does one own that no longer bring joy, serving painful memories or even hold a negative vibration? No matter how old or young, Prehnite makes way for a 'new dawn' in ones life, facilitating the de-cluttering of heaviness or despair, bringing one closer or in touch with their dreams. 
Meditating with Prehnite provides comfort to the inner child who may feel lonely or out of place, perhaps if one didn't receive enough attention, affection or praise when they were young. It is a stone of continuous development, making it a powerful manifestation tool. Prehnite provides a clear picture of ones true strengths, inspiring a sense of self belief, that one is capable of achieving big goals or living for a higher purpose. It can facilitate visions or take one deep within the dream state during sleep. Prehnite reinstates that childlike wonder and imagination that is truly needed throughout life in order to be magical and make ones dreams a reality.  
Prehnite offers deep support throughout the karmic lines of those who work with it, because of this, it is said that Prehnites properties become more powerful over time. It requires one to keep it a part of their spiritual practice for years, until the bigger picture has become fully realized. Even if one loses the piece or decides to part with it, connecting to it energetically is beneficial, especially to note progress and how far one has come since they started working with it. 
Prehnite is a purifier of the glands and digestive system, and is wonderful for lymph inflammation.


Purpurite is a manganese iron phosphate mineral.
Purpurite holds an intense, high frequency. It is not for the faint of heart and projects a laser like focus around the third eye and crown chakras. It will make adjustments to ones intuition, this could take some time getting used to. Recommended for visionaries or people who wish to transfer their knowledge onto paper. It is a stone that can open ones psychic gifts and may stimulate prophetic dreams in those who have incarnated in this life to be inventors, engineers and scientists. It has an affinity with metaphysical science and can help one find existential answers and come to conclusions about our reality. 
Purpurite puts the user through radical acclimatization of the mind. As if one has been put on a journey through the use of psychedelics or mind altering drugs, Purpurite has the ability to unlock psychological barriers, allowing for the inflow of deeper perception and free thinking. It helps one intertwine the objectivity of the outside world or bigger picture with their personal, mundane routines. The integration of both are needed to have meaningful experiences that go beyond time and space, giving birth to new ideas and inventions. 
The manganese content found in Purpurite aids heart and mind function. This can manifest in feelings of bliss and improving brain activity. Purpurite facilitates the incorporation of more light into the mind and body, pushing one towards a higher spiritual path due to its high phosphorous content. 


Pyrite is an ancient stone that has had multiple uses by ancient civilizations and is still used in the production of goods today. It is found all over the world, but the most popular mines are in Italy, Spain, and Peru. They grow naturally in cubic form, botryiodal form, stalactites, masses and most rare are the flat "sun" shaped variety. Its name is derived from the Greek word for fire, "pyro", as they discovered that when two of these stones are struck together they will produce a spark.

Pyrite is a stone of strength and solar power, aiding one in conquering their fears. It has a very martian and sun like energy, boosting vitality and activating the divine masculine aspects within the user. Pyrite helps the user create a clear vision of what they wish to achieve, building confidence. It encourages taking risks when the opportunity arrives, as to not to be afraid to say yes or to go towards a new direction. 

Pyrite can increase focus and keep one grounded when working on a project. It can even be used to hold space for someone who needs the extra motivation while working out. It is a go to stone for manifestation and money magic. A recommended practice is for one to hold a piece of Pyrite while meditating, visualizing what they'd like to bring in, or saying out loud into the stone what one wishes to achieve. Afterwards, placing the Pyrite on an altar or in an area where one will see it daily. Gazing upon the Pyrite will remind one of their intention, inspiring new ideas and ways to reach their desired results. Repeating this practice every now and then will instil strong faith and belief within the user, knowing that what they dream is achievable. 
Pyrite is incredibly protective not only because of its grounding qualities, but due to its high Sulfur content, Pyrite has detoxifying and purifying abilities which can help proper endocrine function. Many yellow or gold crystals have a cleansing effect in the home and in the body and mind of the user. This rings true for Pyrite as it neutralizes negative energy and can even have a mild disinfectant effect against some organisms. 

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The red phantoms are inclusions of Hematite on the phantom within a quartz crystal.
Red Phantom Quartz is a stone of mastering ones creative abilities, being in tune with the Universe's power of creation. It awakens ones primal yet wise human instincts and amplifies physical vitality. Red Phantom Quartz strengthens the spirit to grow into the body, inspiring one to exude their might into everything they do. 

Working with this crystal stimulates the awareness of the sacrifices one must make when building a family, career or goal. Constant dedication and the desire to grow is needed before anything peaks at full potential. This includes holding gratitude for our ancestors and honouring the lives they lived so that we can be here now. It is a stone that can help one identify trauma that may be harboured within the psyche from past lives, including the recognition of karmic ties and bonds within the bloodline.

Red Phantom Quartz aids one in working through feelings of rage, anger and frustration. It is empowering to the point where one may be able to identify the cause of anger, which typically opens the door to inner child healing. Meditation with Red Phantom Quartz prompts one to project the strongest version of themselves into all avenues of life. A useful talisman for those who have endured bullying or who have suffered abandonment and being alienated, Red Phantom Quartz promotes courage and self esteem. 


Rose Quartz is a heart chakra stone, best known for its love attributes. It is the most popular stone for unconditional love, self love and romantic love. Rose Quartz has a very calming energy that can soothe anxiety, negative thinking or a broken heart. It is an essential in crystal healing and very common to keep multiple pieces in the home.
Rose Quartz is a stone of divine feminine beauty, associated with the Goddess Aphrodite (Venus) and can help one embody the essence of their own beauty.  Using Rose Quartz in an elixir can keep the skin looking young and clear. It is said that the wearer will always appear beautiful with a natural glow to outsiders. Giving Rose Quartz as a gift is a beautiful gesture and will increase the healing properties for the person who receives it. It is especially healing to those who are suffering from an illness or a loss. 
Rose Quartz can deepen the relationship one has with themselves, especially if they are self-conscious and self-defeating. It has been used for centuries to attract true love and romance into ones life. Rose Quartz can be used for any occasion, daily and is compatible with any crystal. It has an endless amount of uses and will always be the cherry on top of any spell, ritual or crystal grid. 


Rutiles are needles shaped forms of titanium oxide that are almost always surrounded by other minerals, especially Quartz. They are often found in gold/yellow, red and black and can vary in thickness. 
Rutiles intensify the properties of crystals in which they are included. Rutilated Quartz generate electromagnetic energy that accelerate the issues at hand. They are promoters of personal growth and expansion, helping to clear interferences on ones path.This makes them powerful tools for ones creative processes and manifestation. Rutilated Quartz allows one to go directly to the root of a cause. Picture the needles exploding the very foundation of a problem, after which solutions can be identified and perform freely.

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Scolecite is a member of the Zeolite family.
They grow in thin prismatic formations or large masses, and are loved by crystal collectors for their angel-like appearance. 
Scolecite is a very tranquil stone that promotes relaxation and inner peace. If one has trouble quieting the mind or getting proper rest, Scolecite may be the crystal for them. It is useful for people who are prone to stress, whether it's due to their job, family or personal life. Meditating with Scolecite can assist one in releasing pain that is being held within the heart, passing it through the aura and sending it up in a column for the angels to transmute it into white light. It can give a softer edge to steadfast or strict people in leadership positions. 
Working with Scolecite during sleep can enhance ones dreamtime, promoting lucid dreaming and astral travelling. One may be able to expand their consciousness while they sleep as they are taken on journeys through the inner worlds, most likely communicating with interdimensional beings along the way. Wearing Scolecite daily can strengthen ones ability solve problems and navigate difficult situations by finding the proper solutions. With its serene frequency, Scolecite works to balance the mind and emotions with the inner self, giving a sense of ease to ones day to day tasks. This allows the user to gain a better grasp on their temperament and how best to communicate with others..including themselves, internally. 


Selenite is a must have for every crystal collector. It has a very gentle vibration and is highly protective. Selenite has the ability to clear all chakras, our auras, any space and is recommended to have gridded around your home. This luminous stone opens the channels to our inner selves and angelic realms - activating the crown chakra.

Selenite brings peace into ones life as it embodies pure, white light frequencies. Placing one or more selenite crystals on a person will instantly soothe and put them into a state of bliss and tranquillity. It is among the best crystals to use during any type of healing sessions (talk therapy, energy healing, meditation, channelling, meditation etc.). It is recommended to use in any type of clearing or cleansing rituals, especially when dealing with the paranormal or negative spirits.

Wave a selenite crystal around your aura, as if you were giving yourself a bath, daily, and you will feel yourself become free of stagnant, energetic debris.



Septarian is an ancient stone, dating back 70 million years. It is mud that has been crystallized with Calcite, Aragonite and Limestone. Septarian is very groundind, bringing great wisdom to whomever works with it. This stone is very protective, creating an aura of anonymity which can be helpful for those who feel uncomfortable being out in the world. The 'invisibility' effects of Septarian are beneficial in ways of keeping negative influences and people out of ones life and inner circle.
Septarian helps those who may be impatient, bringing about an openness to hear the opinions of others and a willingness to find common ground in regards to business relationships, teamwork and shared tasks. There is a very shamanic energy about these crystals, given their age and how many phases the earth has been through while they were sitting underground. 
Septarian grants a strong sense of will, wellbeing and understanding on not only a human level, but a spiritual level too. Keeping Septarian in your home will fill the space with a protective, warm energy. Keeping a piece in your car could help one go 'under the radar', preventing accidents or falling victim to another drivers road rage.



Seraphinite is a chatoyant stone that grows is large masses or botryoidal formations, found primarily in Russia. The feather like pattern of the stone is reminiscent of angel wings, thus given its name, after the Biblical group of Angels known as the Seraphim. 
Seraphinite is a spiritual awakening stone known for its strong healing properties. It opens the heart to higher energies, facilitating council with the angelic realm including ones guardian angel(s). Seraphinite can stimulate dormant cells within the body, making conscious of ones galactic coding which fully activates the DNA. Due to this phenomenon, rapid healing begins to take place throughout the etheric bodies down to the physical. Working with Seraphinite can help one create healthy habits by identifying old patterns that attributed to current illnesses or disease. 

Seraphinite is a stone of new, previously unimaginable possibilities which send the user on a higher path of spiritual fulfilment. It allows one to see their inner most, truest versions of themselves to become crystallized with the support of the Divine on their side. 



Serpentine is a stone of spiritual awakening. It is said to arouse the 'kundalini', allowing for one to activate their psychic senses and experience intense spiritual phenomena. Working with Serpentine can clear the meridians and energetic pathways throughout the body. Meditating with the stone can facilitate deep journeying where one can be guided by the spirits of the Earth to receive necessary healing. There is a shamanic quality to the stone as it resonates with Earthly medicines like herbs, animals and the elements, including the elemental spirits like fairies, etc.
Due to its Magnetite content, Serpentine has an affinity to Mother Earth and her shifts, allowing one to perceive her energetic patterns and coming changes. It is also useful for the transformation process in ones personal life, especially as one comes out of a dark night of the soul or is going through their first awakening. It is an inspiring stone, highlighting the courage it takes to overcome the constant battles one is faced with due to freeing themselves from the dark forces that be. Using Serpentine while dancing can promote higher energy levels, bringing one into an ecstatic meditative state, where time will cease to exist. It is recommended to use in body layouts and physical healing grids as it promotes longevity, vitality and is helpful in removing toxins and disease. 

Like a snake, Serpentine influences the user to shed old skin. To be reborn, letting go of outdated belief systems and patterns that are no longer suited for ones growth. It is a stone of regeneration, reminding one of life's cycles, to understand the power of alchemy...that sometimes we must face the bottom to find our way back to the top. Serpentine removes energy blockages from the physical and energetic bodies, acting as a catalyst for new opportunities and pathways in ones life. 


Shiva Lingams are sacred deity stones made up of a mixture of iron meteorite, cryptocrystalline quartz, and basalt, they are named after one of the three primary Hindu deities, the destroyer God, Lord Shiva. Shiva Lingam stones are quite heavy for how they look, with a high iron content, displaying elliptical, oval, or egg shape. Genuine Shiva Lingam stones are only found in one sacred place in the world, the holy Narmada River of India, with its waters being incredibly healing for the etheric body. 
They range in colour and markings, from deep reds, tannish browns, slate greyish blues, and the rarest and most powerful being pure black all over, having a high basalt and meteoric content, and also the tantric lingams, being very dark with deep red spots. Each marking on every lingam means something different and one can scry to see different shapes like Ganesh, the OM, Shiva's dreadlocks, Shiva's tripundra, and the rarest being the brahmins cord, a thin line of clear quartz in the lingam. 
These stones are highly sacred, still being worshiped to this day in India and by Shaivite's around the world. For the Hindu people, these Narmada stones represent Shiva physically here on Earth and they spend many hours praying and performing puja to these stones with milk, ghee, honey, scented oils, powders and flowers, sometimes dressing the stones in rudraksha mala and clothes.
It is said that the Narmada River was formed with the help of a meteor giving the lingams a cosmic energy. The shape of the lingam represents the masculine (Shiva) and the markings represent the feminine (Shakti). These stones can activate sexual energy, giving anyone a boost of vitality and pranic energy, which charges the entire chakra system. Sleeping with a lingam is highly recommended for feeling restful upon waking. Being the embodiment of the divine feminine and masculine combined into a void, they are very healing for traumas associated with sexuality and for those with fertility issues. This stone is also beneficial for those who feel they are afraid of sexual intimacy, or that they are not good enough for their partner. 
Like Shiva, these stones destroy what is old and corrupt to clear the way for rebirth, allowing the user to be flooded with spirit. A bathing ritual for rebirth with a lingam stone is recommended for this. Those who wish to call upon this stone for transformation must do so with caution and readiness, as Shiva is a very powerful ally who is always ready to grant what one wishes for. Shiva Lingams amplify the electricity in the body, and stimulate the meridians, supporting general healing on all levels.


A profoundly earthy and anti-geopathogenic stone, Shungite is found primarily in Karelia, northern Russia, though deposits have recently been found in Colombia.
At least two billion years old, Shungite formed before organic life was established. It may have even been instrumental in creating life on earth. It has been suggested that an enormous meteorite hit the earth and created the crater in which Lake Onega was later formed. It is postulated that microorganisms were swimming in a soupy sea and that the seabed formed the Shungite deposit. The water of this lake in which Shungite had formed has been used as a healing spa for hundreds of years. It has been used for centuries to purify and filter water and to heal diseases by connecting ones entire system to that of the natural rhythms of Earth. 
It has phenomenal shielding power due to its unique formation of a rare carbon mineral known as fullerenes, that grow in a spherical or tubelike form. Fullerenes empower nanotechnology, yet also shield from electromagnetic frequencies. A group of English scientists were awarded a Nobel prize in 1996 for their discovery of this amazing property.
Shungite boosts physical and mental wellbeing and is extremely grounding. Being as old as it is, Shungite is excellent for ancestral and root work, and connecting to the lesser known ancient Sumerian deities. This stone is good for cellular metabolism, detoxification, lowering inflammation, burns, bruises, and is an ancient general cure all. Use as an elixir, and place around electrical devices to shield EMFs.


Smoky Quartz is a stone of great protection that will shield your aura, keeping one safe in their own energetic field. It facilitates deep states of healing and self work; revealing the shaman/teacher within. Third eye activations, synchronicities and communication with beings from other realms are enhanced with this stone. - in other words, one is likely to experience spiritual phenomena like seeing UFOs, ghosts, fairies, spirit guides, etc. Smoky Quartz is a great manifestation crystal as it draws ones desires to them like a magnet. It guides one through the realization that the imagination is a different state of reality, breaking down 3rd dimensional mental barriers.
When working with Smoky Quartz, psychic abilities and self awareness are enhanced, granting new insights that expand ones perception. It can offer an understanding to ones specific role on Earth, giving answers to questions like "why am I like this?" or "why did this happen to me?". Smoky Quartz is very self reflective, wearing or bringing a piece in public is a great way for the user to gain an objective view on their personal gifts by observing how others may subconsciously react to them, revealing where we are flawed in society. This is a fantastic practice for those who want to work on their personal insecurities, as it will be revealed that most of what we criticize within ourselves are ideas that were formed outside of our own being and somewhere along the way, when we were vulnerable, we adopted the same toxic outlook.
If one is interested in integration work like facing the darker aspects of their personality, meditating or magic with Smoky Quartz can facilitate such discovery. This stone amplifies the Earths frequency to be accessed by the user, guarding them from the potential harms of EMFs. As one discovers the many aspects of themselves and their undying connection to Earth and Spirit, it would be wise to reset your intentions/aspirations for their Smoky Quartz crystal often.



Sodalite bridges the mind with the physical body. It enhances ones mental capabilities while offering the tools on how to apply these new found ideas into ones day to day life. Although it is heavily associated with ones intuitive and spiritual gifts, Sodalite is actually quite grounding and balancing. Working with Sodalite not only increases ones understanding of their inner self, but it helps the user connect to and understand the nature of others. This makes Sodalite a perfect stone for teachers, guides, instructors, astrologers, numerologists and more. 

Sodalite allows for one to recognize cognitive patterns that have been imprinted into the subconscious, helpful, unhelpful and maybe even making conscious of the processes that were laying dormant. It is a powerful problem solving stone that awakens ones internal compass or inner knowing. If one is planning a trip or outdoor adventure, bringing Sodalite along will keep the mind stimulated in connection with the bodies strength and capabilities. Sodalite can be used one on one or in group mediations and shamanic journeying as it stimulates inner vision, prompting one to be guided toward the answers they seek.


Another beauty in the quartz variety, Spirit Quartz is an exceptionally spiritual and magical stone. Very common in South Africa, this uplifting stone radiates high vibrational energy out in all directions due to its many points, while the central crystal laser focuses healing just as a quartz point would. Spirit Quartz is often found in Amethyst, Citrine and Clear Quartz. Other names that this crystal goes by are Fairy Quartz or Cactus Quartz. 
Spirit Quartz opens the crown chakra, enhancing ones psychic abilities like the 'clairs'. This stone works on the etheric levels, clearing the energetic bodies and can increase the ability to experience out of body journeying. Carrying the vibration of unity, Spirit Quartz extends its energy into the etheric blueprint. It aids one in identifying and healing past life traumas. Each small point represents the many lessons and lifetimes one carries, with the main point representing their present self. 
In meditation, Spirit Quartz can connect us with the spirits of our ancestors and our spirit guides. Using it for ancestral healing can be especially beneficial when doing these meditations. It has an affinity to nature spirits and the elemental kingdom, inspiring one to spend time in nature, observing plants and animals, which can open one to receive relevant information or 'downloads' from spirit. Spirit Quartz also facilitates spiritual group healing, assisting individuals who are teachers of spirituality who work with multiple people at a time. Working with Spirit Quartz can provide insight into family troubles, helping one find ways to move forward for the benefit of everyone involved. It instils patience in the user during problem solving or frustrating situations. 
A great stone for reawakening cellular memory, it is recommended to spin a piece of Spirit Quartz throughout the aura. This practice will stimulate dormant spaces throughout the energetic field and within the DNA. Empowering one to remember who they are and why they are here while also bringing back  vibrancy and strength to ones character. 



Stilbite is in the Zeolite family. 
There is a profound gentleness about Stilbite crystals. They emanate tranquil feelings of joy and are connected to the angelic domain. Stilbite helps one to maintain emotional openness during difficult situations and conversations. 
Working with Stilbite opens a gateway to the astral realm and expands ones consciousness effortlessly. The expansion it provides is so gentle that one can easily fall into bliss and not realize fully what has happened.
Clearly this stones ability to enhance ones inner travel capabilities can greatly enhance what one experiences in dreamtime. Some experience traveling to realms that resemble an oceanic city, wherein its denizens are one with the water and communicate through sound, like cosmic dolphins in an etheric ocean. Stilbite has a beautiful, supportive energy that is reminiscent of a puppy, like seal puppies. Holding one is like flying through the cosmos on a flulffy cloud, in the most comfy pyjamas and the most soft and cozy blanket surrounding you. 
Often found growing with Apophyllite, it makes a great pair in which the Stilbite can bring down the high energy of Apophyllite. Making the gifts that Apophyllite brings more tangible. Stilbite balances the brain hemispheres, facilitating a full minded approach to challenging tasks. Stilbite is good for memory, brain function, and learning new skills.


Sulphur or Sulfur has a negative electrical charge and is extremely useful for detoxing and absorbing dark dense energy, emanations, and emotions. Extremely positive, when it is placed in the environment, it will ensure the displacement of dark entities and is a useful stone for those areas that just don’t seem to get cleansed all the way. The same can be said for the body, as it is a wonderful ally to have during a detox, helping the cells remember that they are their own pure essence, and not what they carry.
Volcanically produced, it is excellent for anything that erupts: feelings, violence, skin conditions, and fevers. Energetically, it can help scour away dense layers that prevent ones psychic abilities from surfacing. Stimulating will power and growth, Sulphur allows one to envision a clear path toward attaining and maintaining their desires. It springs one into a new cycle as it offers higher perspectives toward ones life path; Being cognitive of ones personal power and unleashing it through being creative. Sulphur inspires one to build the life they want and to not give up. Sulphur aids in finding the more abrasive or not so healthy traits in ones personality, helping shed light on and cleanse these fabricated layers or faces in order to be a more empowered and cognizant version of themselves. 

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Tangerine Quartz shares a jovial, curious, expansive and childlike energy which radiates brightly. Ranging in colour from bright orange to rusty red, it gets its coating naturally from iron oxide. 
Tangerine Quartz opens and stimulates the Sacral Chakra, blessing one with creative inspiration and passion. This crystal is the perfect manifestation tool, from seeking purpose, to planning, to taking action, to peaking and to reaping. It stimulates the adrenals and sexual organs which helps those who lack sexual desire.
Tangerine Quartz invites one to look deeply into where their self doubt and insecurities are stemming from. During meditation Tangerine Quartz can guide one through past relationship interactions, highlighting difficult experiences that left them feeling less than or unloved. It’s in these revelations that one can reclaim the pieces of their innocence. Tangerine Quartz helps one regain an active curiosity and childlike wonder that could have been taken away by hurt and shame. 

An awakening of pleasure and the motivation to cease every opportunity will be the forces that drive anyone who chooses to work with Tangerine Quartz. Its fiery vibration lifts the mood, offering a positive outlook on life. Learning how to give one self total acceptance to be in the now, surrendering to their unique journey and diving into the unknown are gifts given by Tangerine Quartz. It supports one in gaining the confidence to become comfortable in knowing themselves, fully. Thus, removing the fear associated with facing all aspects of ones personality. Tangerine Quartz helps one find their truth and promotes gratitude and being grateful is the key needed to become a magnet for what one desires. 
Tangerine Quartz is a great crystal for artists of any kind, business owners, lovers and rekindling passion in a relationship or project. It supports those suffering from depression and people who have experienced sexual trauma during childhood.



Tanzanite is a gemstone found fairly recently in the 1960s. It only forms in one place of the world, in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, hence its clever given name. Due to its exclusivity, Tanzanite is categorized as rare and is highly sought after. 

Tanzanite has a unique property known as 'pleochroism', meaning the stone can change colors when held at different angles, especially in polarized light. Tanzanite colors range from the famous deep purples and blues, to lighter hues of pink & lilac. On rarer occasions, it can be yellow or green. 

Metaphysically Tanzanite has an heir of mystery. It creates a calm embrace around the user as if creating a secondary aura, bringing one into a state of effortless relaxation. It asks the user to take a deep dive into one's own psyche and experience in a non-forceful manner. Serenity becomes ones state of being, naturally while using Tanzanite. This makes it a great stone for over thinkers and over workers. After a long day, wearing or holding Tanzanite can allow the user to be in the present moment and release the burdens of the day. Placing Tanzanite under your pillow can also be an effective way to work with this stone, as it not only lightens the energy but also proves to be cleansing to the higher chakras. Working with Tanzanite can help relieve the symptoms of insomnia, mind chatter, anxiety & stress. 

Tanzanite is a stone of compassion that allows one to delve deep into matters of the heart. It proves to be very healing and opening to ones emotional state and can aid one in strengthening empathy towards others. Working with Tanzanite can bridge the true feelings of the heart to the cerebral nature of the brain. This inspires an enlightening effect that will further allow the user to be mindful of how their words influence their reality and the affect they can have on others.
Tanzanite is a stone of intuition & psychic ability and due to its spiritual nature, ones spirit guides may make themselves known while in its presence. Over time, Tanzanite will continue to help one progress to higher states of consciousness and awareness as it challenges the user to be truthful, by recognizing & working through patterns. Tanzanite will simultaneously activate an awakening & urge one to become a better version of themselves by bringing exposure to all the tangible possibilities. 

Allow Tanzanite to take you on a blissful, spiritual mysterious adventure where you may be surprised at just how psychic you are or how psychic you may become. 


Topaz is one of the most powerful stones for manifestation. It arouses creative energy and excites the personal will. As its frequency resonates with Christ Consciousness, Topaz brings ones desires into alignment with their greatest possible timeline. It is a stone of abundance through intention. When the user puts their faith into the Divine, they are in alignment with their Divine Will. - Knowing ones worth, living with gratitude, taking concrete steps towards ones goals and a having prosperous mindset, no matter what stage of life they are in, will ultimately bring focus toward achievement and birth ones dreams into reality. 
Topaz can help one master their intentions by teaching how to create healthy boundaries. If ones intentions do not align with their boundaries, they can attract or manifest unwanted experiences. For example, one may expect their partner to respect or follow certain wishes, but they, themselves do not reciprocate. One may feel confident at home and give themselves words of encouragement, but become insecure around others because they start comparing and putting others' traits above their own. Working with Topaz will help the user gain clarity to refrain from acting in contradiction with their intent. 
Topaz is a great stone to keep ones vitality up as it stimulates the adrenals. It releases blockages from the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, allowing one to step into their greatness and manifest their desires. It is an ancient stone that teaches the importance of sacred space by honouring ones feelings and also by respecting the feelings and boundaries of others. Topaz is very spiritual, helping experienced crystal healers advance and take their souls journey to the next level. 
Imperial (Gold) Topaz:  Imperial Topaz is associated with the Solar Plexus, Sacral & Crown Chakras. It allows for one to be an optimist and keep in good faith. It is a stone of attraction, being at the right place at the right time, Golden Topaz ensures that the right opportunities and people will find the user. Imperial Topaz works well in combination with other manifestation stones such as; Citrine, Peridot, Stellar Beam Calcite, Pyrite, Datolite, Aventurine, Jade, Aquamarine, Emerald etc. Pairing Imperial Topaz with Tektites can increase the rapid results of what one is manifesting.
Blue Topaz: Blue Topaz is associated with the Throat, Third Eye & Crown chakras. It creates a strong communion with ones inner self. It is a stone of ones higher truth and allows the user to restore a clear vision of their life's purpose. It is a powerful aid in mindful communication and speaking up for oneself when it counts. Blue Topaz has a very therapeutic energy, helping to soothe headaches and sore throats. Pairing Blue Topaz with Lemurian Quartz, Chrysocolla and Beryls really helps one to embody their true nature or authentic selves, to recognize their inner, spiritual beauty that is waiting to radiate and shine bright. 
Clear Topaz: Clear Topaz is associated with all Chakras, especially the Crown. It is a great stone for complete clarity. It helps one recognize aspects of their spirit that may have gone unnoticed, especially the ability to heal oneself, naturally, through the control of their own mind and personal will. It can definitely increase ones psychic abilities through meditation or sleeping with the stone. Clear Topaz clears toxins from the mind, body and spirit making it highly cleansing and allows for one to maintain said clarity throughout all aspects of life. Pairing Clear Topaz with any stone that one may be currently working with will allow their intentions to manifest and multiply quickly.



The undeniable beauty of Tourmaline and its ability to transmit clear frequencies are the reasons why it is a favourite amongst crystal healers and mineral collectors. It is found in a variety of colors and qualities from all over the world. 
Perhaps the most beloved property of Tourmaline is its ability to transform energy. Especially its ability to transmute negative energy, making Tourmaline the most popular protection stone. This ability is attributed to the piezoelectric quality that Tourmaline possesses, meaning it can hold an electrical charge, one end being positive and another being negative. 

Tourmaline is a stone of inner strength and understanding. It is a powerful tool in overcoming fear and negativity. It is deeply cleansing to the physical, emotional, energetic and mental bodies as it works to recycle stagnant energy. 

Schorl (Black): Black Tourmaline aka, Black Schorl, forms in either large masses or finer double terminated specimens. They are the ultimate protection stone and can be used..or should be used by anyone and everyone. Black Tourmaline is an absolute must have in every crystal collection.  

Black Tourmaline cleanses the entire auric field, like a vacuum it clears one entirely of negative energy. It is useful for sensitive people who have not properly set boundaries and want to shield themselves from personal space invaders. Black Tourmaline should be used by those who are not in ideal living situations, ie; negative home life where one or more family members/room mates are abusive, victims of abuse or substance abusers. If one has a job dealing with difficult people or heavy situations, wearing Black Tourmaline, daily is recommended. The protective properties of Black Tourmaline extend also to the world of paranormal investigation and research as it dispels darker entities.
They are stones of total purification that can be used in absolutely any circumstance. Put Black Tourmaline in your pillow case, in your pockets or bra, in your car, around your house and you will begin to notice how refreshed, grounded and strong you feel. The effects of Black Tourmaline can be seen and felt at the physical level as well, helping to dissipate imbalances of the body and hormones or soreness of the bones or muscles. It dissipates negative thinking and is a powerful ally in combating anxiety.

Rubellite (Pink): Pink Tourmaline is undoubtedly a powerful heart chakra stone. It is a go to stone when one is in need of emotional support. It provides a gentle, feminine energy that is deeply healing to the inner child and can aid one in healing emotional wounds. Pink Tourmaline connects the user to a surplus of the highest frequencies of unconditional love that exists perpetually throughout the cosmos. Wearing or holding Pink Tourmaline will infuse the users emotional body with love, making them feel whole. 

The lithium content in Pink Tourmaline allows for one to release stress, worry and anxiety. It is useful for shy people who want to step out of their shell and be more open with expressing themselves emotionally. When working with this stone, one may feel as though they can finally breathe or exhale. Like getting a much deserved break, Pink Tourmaline is extremely purifying to the emotions. It is protective against the projections of others, transmuting possible ill wishes into a cushion of kindness. 

Verdelite (Green): Green Tourmaline like Pink Tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra but on a more physical level. Green Tourmaline aligns the electromagnetic field of the physical heart to the electromagnetic field of Mother Earth, strengthening ones physical body and heart itself. Like all Tourmaline, it emits pure frequencies and as it harmonizes with the heart, Green Tourmaline facilitates deep healing throughout the entire body. 

Green Tourmaline shows up in ones life when they least expect it, as it is a stone of transition, heralding in positive change. Green Tourmaline will highlight aspects of life that need nurturing and attention, especially physical health and activity. It brings one into alignment with taking the necessary steps that will lead them to their goals. Green Tourmaline is extremely calming to the emotional body making it very useful during times of grief, loss or when feeling stress associated with big life changes. 

It is useful for spiritual people who want to feel more comfortable in their physical body. Green Tourmaline can open one to the joys of life and encourages them to explore the physical side to health, like nutrition, being in nature and physical exercise. It can be used by athletes as it increases stamina and inspires the growth of all living things. The benefits to working with Green Tourmaline will surprise the user as its lessons are very synchronistic and seems to show up during initiating phases. It calls for one to step up and level up in order to live the life they truly desire. No distractions. Green Tourmaline will bless the user if they are willing to take on the challenge. 
Watermelon Tourmaline: Watermelon Tourmaline is the embodiment of both Pink and Green Tourmaline working in tandem. As the inner layer is pink and the outer layer is green, we see a physical representation of ourselves. Pink resembling the unseen, energetic and emotional bodies, while green representing our physical heart and body. When in balance, both our emotional health and physical health thrive. Working with Watermelon Tourmaline can enhance ones overall wellbeing, creating feelings of joy and enjoyment. 

Dravite (Brown): Dravite is a brown variety of Tourmaline. It is an ideal stone for shadow work, meaning, the integration process of all aspects of oneself into a whole, including the darker sides of the personality. One must face and come to terms with their wounds, the parts of themselves that have been pushed down or shamed by those who may very well have had a hand in influencing these parts. Light and Dark exist simultaneously on Earth, and there is no way to separate them. To pay only attention to the lighter, prettier things can be just as damaging as dwelling only within darkness. Dravite allows one to embrace the duality we inherently experience on Earth and facilitates a wholeness approach to healing. 

Dravite is effective in helping the user to identify subconscious patterns, as to view them and clear behaviours that are no longer necessary for ones wellbeing. It allows one to hold compassion toward the parts of themselves that they struggle to accept and keep hidden. These shadowy aspects want to make themselves known, only to have turned into something shameful due to rejection from parents, family members or others in early life. What matters most is that the user becomes whole in themselves without the worry of what others may or may not accept. Our gifts are our power and sometimes they become hidden because we are afraid to be seen. 


Trolleite is a rare and fairly new mineral from Brazil and is a combination of Quartz, Lazulite & Scorzalite.

The feminine support offered by Trolleite allows the user to reach states of serenity, making a conscious alignment to the soul and inner self. Trolleite is a great tool for accessing the Akashic Records, a dimensional library filled with information, ideas, events, actions & thoughts from past, present & future into the infinite. The benevolent vibration of this crystal helps one develop their ability to channel and communicate with various light beings such as the Ascended Masters, Extraterrestrials, the Angelic Realm and Nature Spirits.
Trolleite is a great stone to use in meditation if one is seeking insight into their life or to gain information by sleeping with it. The Crown and Third Eye chakras are stimulated by Trolleite and can be a guide for those looking to astral travel or remember their dreams. People who identify as Starseeds or feel a past life connection to Lemuria and Atlantis will feel an affinity to Trolleite. The blue light frequency of Trolleite embodies and exudes Divine Feminine, Celestial Goddess energy. A deeper connection to the self is made when using this crystal as it can make one aware of their past lives. Thus, helping in times of doubt or confusion when a remembrance of ones true strengths held within the soul has been revealed.


Vanadinite is a member in the Apatite family of minerals.
Vanadinite forms in prismatic crystals that can be small to large and ranging from orange, red and brown in color. 
Just by its appearance alone, one can see that Vanadinite is an invigorating stone. It is very stimulating to the lower chakras, increasing ones energy levels whenever they need a boost. Vanadinite is best to use when one is tasked with a heavy work schedule or a hectic time at home. It is very encouraging for parents who dedicate their days to making sure their family has everything they need to thrive. Whether the parent goes to work or stays at home, both jobs are equally as important and both require endurance. Vanadinite is great for athletes who must train for long hours and for artists who must utilize their creative energies. Vanadinite is a premiere crystal for anyone who cannot afford to miss a deadline and sees that the job gets done. 
Vanadinite radiates a fiery energy that stimulates ones sexuality and creativity. It helps one connect to their instincts and physical body, arousing inspiration and a spring to action. Vanadinite moves stagnant energy out of the auric field, bringing more openness and warmth to ones character. It can help those who've been feeling stuck to express themselves. Vanadinite links the will of the spirit to the physical body, opening a free flow of energy and ideas. It is a stone that encourages one to live freely and enjoy the adventure of life.. it can even inspire one to go on a life-changing adventure. Vanadinite is useful in both men and women to retain their youth by producing hormones.