My name is Sunny Di Francesco. 🌞
I am owner and operator of The Scorpling Shop, an artist, musician, singer-songwriter, crystal healer and self proclaimed, Atlantean Priestess.
I am here to assist souls into their higher consciousness. Inspiring them to express their truth & anchor into the human experience.
For as long as I can remember, I knew who I was. Now, some people may be confused by this statement…but what I mean is;
I knew that I was powerful..beyond just being a human. I knew that others were too and in most cases, could be, but weren’t aware of it.
I was put into a family of people who weren’t aware of the deeper sides of life and definitely wouldn’t be able to recognize that inherent wisdom within me. I could read between the lines..I could see, hear, feel and just know things that adults in my life would try to hide. I could (and still can) read peoples energy so clearly and know what kind of person they were or what their intentions might be. I found it hard to relate to my own family, let alone extended family and other people. I was always curious about subjects that were well above my appropriate age. Not being able to discuss such things or ask related questions with my immediate family, I would mostly be found alone in my room or in front of the television, watching movies and shows that were probably filled with a great amount of adult content.
“Know thyself and thou shall truly know the universe” - Unknown

I was always enthusiastic and dramatic. I loved to act, to dream, to sing, to entertain. I needed attention, but it was hard for me to find the recognition that I desired within my household. My inspiration grew like a giant firework ready to explode the moment I heard the voice of Elvis Presley…don’t even get me started on when I watched him perform for the first time… it was over. I knew even deeper who I was and what I was put here to do. I knew that I was different and there were other people, like Elvis, who were not only different but POWERFUL and INSPIRATIONAL too.
I always marched to the beat of my own drum. Never conforming to what was expected of me, never following the rules and never being told what to do or how to act. It wasn’t on purpose…it’s still not on purpose, it’s just my natural instinct and I will always follow what feels right in my heart, body and soul.
My internal compass along with the guidance of Elvis was what got me through all hardships in life, which looking back wasn’t so bad…
but during the time, felt like hell.
I was a loner within my family. I felt abandoned by my father, judged and slighted by my mother, abused by my step father and uncared for by my two older brothers. The family dynamic was broken, damaged, hurt and there was no clear path to mending it. The energy in the house was mostly negative, hardly being a source of comfort, compassion or reconciliation. Just guilt, blame and unhappiness. I hid to survive the windfalls of anger, frustration and criticism that would mostly be directed at me. I eventually began to struggle with erratic emotions of intense highs and lows that would switch as quick as lighting to literally feeling nothing…all at the same time. Head, heart and body completely discombobulated, fragmented…contradictory, yet all made perfect sense. It seemed like no one cared about my opinions or took my insights seriously. Naturally, I always felt left out ( maybe because I am the youngest?). Being alone was my only option to avoid the future disappointments which surely did come despite my efforts.
Like I said, I KNEW myself…I had a strong connection to the Divine and my spirituality from the get go. There was no "great awakening", there was no "great remembering";
I was born and it just was.
I was so sensitive, I was so intuitive, I was pretty conscious for my age. So much of my existence felt like pain…maybe more so than for someone who wasn't as aware. I couldn’t understand why the light I saw in myself went unnoticed by the people who were supposed to love me…and that’s what hurt the most. I felt unseen and abandoned. I knew I was special, so why wasn’t I treated as such? - And please know, this isn’t a sentiment of my ego, this is truly how I felt as a little girl.

14 yrs old.
I have been experiencing the phenomena of synchronicity and seeing spirits since I’ve had memory. I remember being in my crib, a baby…maybe around 1 years old seeing a dark spirit in my window. I cried and cried. My parents came to check on me, of course I couldn’t speak English yet, but my brain was saying: “there’s a ghost!! I don’t like it!” … I remember that…being inhibited by my lack of communicative ability… it just blows my mind. There was never any amount of convincing anyone could have done to tell my that there isn’t life beyond death…that there isn't a God…that spiritual realms or aliens don't exist, etc. I never had any doubt because it just was. I just knew by my experience and that’s why we are here…to have meaningful, soul fulfilling experiences.
Throughout my childhood magic, witchcraft, UFOs, Tarot, Astrology and Numerology were natural interests for me. I remember reading about such subjects on my own time, not knowing how to bring it up with other kids at school. (Don’t even get me started with school...I HATED it and definitely transported myself to other worlds during those dreadful 8hrs.) Somewhere during that time, I received a Larimar crystal from my moms trip to the Dominican Republic. I was already aware of crystals because my grandfather had a large Sulphur specimen on display at the cottage that his father mined back in Sicily (Which is now in my possession and I am beyond grateful). Anyway, the first time I wore the Larimar, I bursted out into tears in front of my whole classroom without explanation and to this day Larimar still makes me cry! A few years later, I got some Rose Quartz tumbled stones from a Witch in Toronto for the purpose of putting a love spell on some boy at school...yikes! So, by the time crystals would make a prominent re-appearance in my life,
I understood their power. What I didn't realize was the extent of how much deeper, brighter, bigger and farther they would take me.
18 yrs old.
When I was a teenager I began to make a series of choices that were uncanny mirrored images of my tragic familial relationships. All I really wanted was connection, understanding and loyalty. The more I searched, the more I experimented, the more I tried to show others that there is more to life than the physical. I started to consciously conjure spirits, inducing all kinds of paranormal experiences. Not only was I a target of abuse from the living, but I would soon find myself surrounded by negative entities who constantly tried to feed off me and haunt me, trying to take my soul out of my body while I was sleeping. The strength and self belief that I developed through my waking life was ever present and put to the test fully as I found myself head to head, in battle with demons. Further alienating myself, how does one communicate such traumatic experiences with people who already think you’re nuts?!
Re: Enter crystals!
I went to local spiritual shops and started buying little crystals, I just knew they would help develop my skills and protect me moving forward. By working with them daily, I realized that their high vibrations were helping to evolve and heighten my own frequency. In allowing my energetic field to expand, my consciousness expanded and I began to remember that everything was connected. I understood that there was duality in this Universe…I started to see natural law and the levels of human behaviour through karma and generational ties. That each soul is incarnated for a different personal purpose while being part of the bigger collective purpose. That we each have a unique mission or may be on different levels of soul evolution. I learned I had to suffer, I had to lose, I had to turn no where else but myself to navigate through the darkness in order to ultimately serve my light. In doing so, I would inspire others.. I even began to finally make friends with people who were like me!

21 yrs old.
Always being a lover of jewelry, and wanting to wear my crystals, I started making crystal jewelry while I was in high school. I kept most of it, made gifts for friends and sold the odd piece every now and then. I called my little project, Crystalline Scorpling circa 2011. I didn't take it super seriously and I wasn't quite sure how to start a business or if I could even succeed that way. As I struggled my whole life with feeling alienated, this issue continued when I would get part time or full time jobs. Restaurants, retail, corporate..nothing stuck or lasted...and I could definitely feel that I was judged as being an 'odd ball' or 'weirdo'. I always knew that I would never prosper working under a corporation and I always knew, deep down, given my personality, that I would have to be my own boss. I finally believed in myself enough to know that I could seriously help others like me..born sensitive, psychic and felt like they didn't belong... and so The Scorpling Shop was birthed after years of personal crystal healing, during a time that I was ready to take my finances seriously (my Jupiter return in Scorpio).

24 yrs old.
Working with crystals has been a long and exciting journey that has brought me many adventures and has attracted many opportunities in my life. It is never ending, they speak more to me daily and I have only grown more passionate about their wisdom and power.
I want to help people realize that their dreams are not out of reach, that they can successfully walk their life path without failure. I want to promote the use of crystals, letting people know that working with these tools is a very personal practice. It calls you to trust your intuition through trial and error. A crystal healer can definitely guide you, but NO ONE can tell you exactly where you will be led to when you begin to consciously work with their energy.

26 yrs old.
Thank you for being here and reading my story.

27 yrs old.