Moldavite is such a miraculous stone, it has even been theorized that the stones on the holy grail were polished Moldavite, others state that it could have even been a chalice entirely carved out of Moldavite. Either way, it has been recognized as a cosmic stone throughout the ages.
This gemstone is a member of the tektite group, a glassy mixture of rapidly formed silicon dioxide, that is formed when a meteor collides with the essence of the earth to create an amorphous mixture of the two. This beautiful lovemaking between the far reaches of the stars and that of the earths womb is some of the most powerful energy thats been felt from a 'crystal'. The fact we are earthly beings made of stars also gives way to the fantastic experiences that will occur when Moldavite enters ones life, it pushes the boundaries of density to get us back in touch with who we are.
Moldavites formation was created by a large meteorite impact 14.8 million years ago, this impact crater is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. Most of the gemstones are found scattered about this area, and are commonly found by the farmers plowing their fields. Some scientific theories even suggest that it could even be an obsidian from a distant lunar volcano.
People who hold Moldavite for the first time often report feeling something from it, there is a powerful opening of the heart chakra, which is characterized by a strange sensation in the chest, or "butterflies", followed by an upwelling of emotion and a flushing of the face. Some call this the "Moldavite Flush". Most people feel that Moldavite excites their energies and speeds their vibrations, especially for the first few days or weeks until accustomed to the high frequency.
A wonderful gemstone for individuals with their most recent past incarnation being of extraterrestrial origin, it may feel like a piece of home to them. Moldavite activates all the chakras, its vibrations tend to focus on areas where one has blockages or inner wounds, clearing these areas first, and then becoming vibrationally resonant with the user. This can manifest in many ways, synchronicities will increase, changes will happen, rapid manifestation, spiritual healings, and an intensification of ones spiritual vitality. Some feel intimidated or scared to work with Moldavite because of how quickly their life could change.
Moldavite is a stone of rapid healing, meaning that everything and everyone that stands in ones way, ie holding the user back or wherever there may be stagnancy and blockages will be eradicated. However, because this stone is so powerful, it is very important to be clear that one is ready for change. It will make one face the hard truths in life, whether it be willingly and gracefully, or by trying force with tough love. It is not to be feared, as this can speed one into realization, instead of working through many, many lifetimes to do so.
Moldavite is a stone of rapid healing, meaning that everything and everyone that stands in ones way, ie holding the user back or wherever there may be stagnancy and blockages will be eradicated. However, because this stone is so powerful, it is very important to be clear that one is ready for change. It will make one face the hard truths in life, whether it be willingly and gracefully, or by trying force with tough love. It is not to be feared, as this can speed one into realization, instead of working through many, many lifetimes to do so.
Moldavite can be focused and used to heal any part of the user, spiritually, and through the etheric DNA, to also help heal any physical ailment.