Dolomite is a stone that instantly brings a sense of calm to the user. Its frequency allows for one to return to centre or oneness. It provides the comfort many of us need after a hectic day, even more so for those who are healing from PTSD or abusive relationships. Keeping a piece of Dolomite in the house will allow for the energy to stay balanced and harmonious. This stone helps repair gaps or leaks in ones energetic field or aura. It grounds our light and power back into our vessel, returning our energetic field to flow around us at a healthy radius. For this reason it is a powerful detoxifier, as it rids what is foreign to our body and soul. Dolomite works as a readjustment on all levels; spiritually, energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically. This is a stone of integrated wisdom that is actually very grounding and peaceful. Dolomite's energy is very relieving, aiding those who struggle with short tempers or need to find better ways to handle their anger.
Dolomite is a stone that instantly brings a sense of calm to the user. Its frequency allows for one to return to centre or oneness. It provides the comfort many of us need after a hectic day, even more so for those who are healing from PTSD or abusive relationships. Keeping a piece of Dolomite in the house will allow for the energy to stay balanced and harmonious. This stone helps repair gaps or leaks in ones energetic field or aura. It grounds our light and power back into our vessel, returning our energetic field to flow around us at a healthy radius. For this reason it is a powerful detoxifier, as it rids what is foreign to our body and soul. Dolomite works as a readjustment on all levels; spiritually, energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically. This is a stone of integrated wisdom that is actually very grounding and peaceful. Dolomite's energy is very relieving, aiding those who struggle with short tempers or need to find better ways to handle their anger.