Ammonite were a type of mollusk similar to squids and octopuses. They are said to date back from 60-420 million years. They were named after the Egyptian ram horned God, Ammon, as the spiral shape of Ammonite is reminiscent of a ram’s horn. 
Ammonites are particularly intriguing because before they became fossils-crystals, they were once living creatures. This brings heavy influence to the life-force energy that Ammonite awakens in those who work with it. Their spiral shape symbolizes the ever present experiences of change and growth that not only the Earth goes through, but we too as people, both objectively and individually.

Ammonite are useful for those who feel a loss of direction in life. Whether one is unsure of which career path to go down, or is having a hard time coming to terms with why they’re here in the first place, Ammonite will guide the user towards the answers they seek. This crystal is all about ones roots and spiritual truth, provoking opportunities for the user to learn who they are and where they’ve been. Ammonite can be used in meditation or dream work to recall past life memories that may empower one by helping them reawaken knowledge or certain skills that have been held within the soul's memory.  It could even help identify traumatic events that have been locked away which could be a cause for current fears one struggles with, subconsciously hindering our growth

Ammonite is a stone that helps with the clearing of karma and issues that are passed down through the bloodline. It holds within it eons of cosmic energy that can eradicate negativity that has been poisoning ones life. It calls on the user to face their mentality, why they are the way they are, how they handle themselves emotionally and what behaviours they have been exhibited to in life, influencing how they process and perceive the world around them. Ammonite is grounding and spiritually stimulating at the same time. It is a symbol of the entire universe and the history of humanity on Earth, including our Ancestors. Working with it to connect to deceased loved ones, Gods and Goddesses is a great way to invoke the healing power Ammonite possesses.

Ammonite is also a symbol of success, abundance and prosperity, because it shows us just how resourceful the planet is and always will be or how we’ve each had to have thousands upon thousands of great-grandparents to even be in existence right now! There is a surplus for everyone, it is a frequency to be tapped into. There are stages of growth and phases of transformation, including a time to die, but the cycle never stops. Ammonite asks one to trust in the plan that the Divine has in store for them, that one can be the best version of themselves in any moment, that one can call in higher versions of themselves from other dimensions or other lifetimes to exist simultaneously with where one is, now.

Ammonite makes a great addition to Ancestral or Prosperity altars and rituals.