Prehnite is a calcium aluminium silicate mineral. It usually occurs growing in massive botroidyal forms, most often growing with Epidote.
Prehnite is a purifier of the heart, mind and body. It connects ones emotions to the body, guiding the user to act with love, from the hearts intent. This makes it a great stone to use when one is faced with difficult decisions or is currently in a painful living situation, like the deteriorating of a marriage or to protect a child in a broken home. Prehnite inspires one to push forward with the hearts strength as the heart knows exactly what it wants. This drive is helpful for one who may not receive positive encouragement from people around them. Prehnite will assist in clarifying for the user what and who no longer serves their purpose. Who is one giving their energy to that may be draining or have a toxic influence? What possessions does one own that no longer bring joy, serving painful memories or even hold a negative vibration? No matter how old or young, Prehnite makes way for a 'new dawn' in ones life, facilitating the de-cluttering of heaviness or despair, bringing one closer or in touch with their dreams.
Meditating with Prehnite provides comfort to the inner child who may feel lonely or out of place, perhaps if one didn't receive enough attention, affection or praise when they were young. It is a stone of continuous development, making it a powerful manifestation tool. Prehnite provides a clear picture of ones true strengths, inspiring a sense of self belief, that one is capable of achieving big goals or living for a higher purpose. It can facilitate visions or take one deep within the dream state during sleep. Prehnite reinstates that childlike wonder and imagination that is truly needed throughout life in order to be magical and make ones dreams a reality.
Prehnite offers deep support throughout the karmic lines of those who work with it, because of this, it is said that Prehnites properties become more powerful over time. It requires one to keep it a part of their spiritual practice for years, until the bigger picture has become fully realized. Even if one loses the piece or decides to part with it, connecting to it energetically is beneficial, especially to note progress and how far one has come since they started working with it.
Prehnite is a purifier of the glands and digestive system, and is wonderful for lymph inflammation.