Black Kyanite: The blades of Black Kyanite are a powerful cleansing tool that can be used to "cut" negative attachments from the etheric body. It is a protective talisman against "energy vampires" for the user. Its shape is reminiscent of a sweep, like that of a witches broom and as such the crystal can be used to open a sacred space, removing unwanted energy. When meditating, it is recommended to wave a Black Kyanite crystal above each chakra in circular motions. This technique, known as “plumbing” can reveal important information that’s been hidden within each associated chakra. It is a plunge into the depths of ones current and past life experiences, pulling forward dormant  trauma, teachings, strengths, etc. that are ready to be faced.
Black Kyanite is extremely protective for those who are sensitive to subtle energies from surrounding environments or people. It, along with Black Tourmaline are a great pair to work with when one conducts any type of paranormal research or investigation. Black Kyanite is spiritually, emotionally and energetically supportive for those who have come from a hard background or who have grown up around addiction. Carrying or wearing Black Kyanite daily, ensures that one can get their life on the right track, heal and move forward.
Blue Kyanite: Blue Kyanite is a high vibrational crystal that can attune one to the 12th dimension and beyond, it dispels stagnant and negative energies. Blue Kyanite raises the frequency of everyone and everything around it. This stone does not absorb energy, only transmits high frequencies. For this reason, it does not need to be cleansed and can be used to re-attune the energy of other crystals and can cleanse people or places. 
Blue Kyanite is a remover of blockages, producing a beautiful balance of both yin and yang energies. A stone of alignment, it instantly adjusts the chakras and meridians, allowing for one to experience mental, emotional and spiritual tranquility, opening the mind to higher learning and knowledge. This stone activates and opens the third eye chakra, stimulating visions, premonitions and astral travel. It clears energetic blockages allowing for ease of communication between people, facilitating the transfer of telepathic information.
Blue Kyanite creates a bridge for deeper connection allowing one to express their inner truth. It is valuable in talk therapy and is recommended to be kept in therapists offices. Blue Kyanite should be used by psychic channellers as it is a powerful crystal for attaining divine wisdom. Blue Kyanite can facilitate contact with Extraterrestrial beings and spiritual guides, it can also strengthen the relationship to ones own higher self. 
Green Kyanite: Green Kyanite is a powerful stone of discernment for our heart and mind. Like all Kyanite, Green Kyanite creates a bridge between knowing and feeling. This is helpful for those who have become influenced by outside voices to go another way,  falling off their unique life path. It cleanses the mind of clutter and releases ideas that are not ones own. Green Kyanite should be used by those who fall prey to the manipulation of others as it awakens ones mental strength, feeding it into the entire body. It will harden the shell of sensitive souls who may often act naively.
Green Kyanite assists one in finding or hearing their heart’s truth, facilitating inner discovery. It allows one to find sincerity in people and information. It is a stone that offers support from Nature Spirits and Mother Earth, herself. Getting down to the basics of nature and how everything started or where everything came from are thoughts that will be stimulated by the use of Green Kyanite. It creates harmonic balance within the energetic bodies, including the chakra system, meridians and the aura.